Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Quantum Computing and AI

 Quantum Computing and AI

Our world is constantly changing.

Some of us remember a simpler time, without computers and networks, without the Internet, and without hundreds of TV channels.  Not so long ago.  Within my lifetime.

 We live in a connected world, fueled by all of the above, in which we have instant access to anywhere in the world, and to some of the extended universe.  Our access is limited by the physical structure of silicon and other materials.

 I was just brushing up on where the next, post normal computing and Internet will occur.  It will be Quantum Computing utilizing Artificial Intelligence.

 “Quantum computing and artificial intelligence are both transformational technologies and artificial intelligence needs quantum computing to achieve significant progress. Although artificial intelligence produces functional applications with classical computers, it is limited by the computational capabilities of classical computers. Quantum computing can provide a computation boost to artificial intelligence, enabling it to tackle more complex problems in many fields in business and science.”

 Here are several reference articles on Quantum Computing and AI.





 Ray Gruszecki
December 26, 2023

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