Sunday, December 10, 2023

Systemic Anti-Semitism

 Systemic Anti-Semitism

 Most of us know the sordid past of anti-Semitism.  The biblical Diaspora and millennia of being outcasts in numerous societies.  The ghettoes and pogroms of historical Russia and Central Europe.  The Dreyfus affair, years of prejudice, and ultimately, the Nazi Holocaust that killed six million Jews.

 And with what Palestinians call the Nakba”, or “Catastrophe”, the formation in 1948, of Israel, a constitutional democracy, in the lands that were once Ancient Israel and Judah.  Some 700,000 Palestinian Arabs, who occupied this land were displaced and left the area as refugees.  Upwards of 200,000 Palestinian Arabs remained in the new Israel, and eventually became Israeli citizens.

 So where did what seems to be a re-emergent anti-Semitism on our college campuses come from?  Why do modern left-wing activists consider the Israelis as “occupiers” and “oppressors”, and the Palestinian Hamas butchers as the “oppressed”?  Why are Palestinian flags being brandished by purple-haired co-eds to chants of “from the river to the sea”?  Why are calls for Jewish genocide not condemned recently by Ivy League college presidents and professors?

 One answer, that I’ve touched on before.  These college educators and indoctrinators are the ideological descendants of the Soviet communists and socialists that lost their battle against class in the early 1990’s, and who replaced class with a myriad of Marxist-based, “social justice” issues, including their interpretation of Israeli occupation and “oppression”.  The Gen-z bunch carrying the Palestinian flag and chanting anti-Jewish, pro-Hamas slogans has been steeped in the current Marxist ideology being taught in our schools.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 10, 2023

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