Tuesday, July 16, 2019



First a few seemingly unrelated items:

1.)    The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail.

 Image result for ouroboros

2.)    Democratic Primary, June, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Joseph Crowley*

            Margin of victory –                           4,136          votes

3.)    An anonymous Democratic group leaked an internal poll to Axios on Sunday that shows "swing voters" deeply dislike prominent progressive lawmakers, deepening a public rift within the party.

The poll found that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a 22% approval rating and Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota had a 9% approval rating among 1,003 "likely general-election voters who are white and have two years or less of college education" and knew of the two outspoken lawmakers.

"If all voters hear about is AOC, it could put the [House] majority at risk," a Democrat involved in the 2020 congressional races told Axios. "She's getting all the news and defining everyone else's races."

Why did Trump choose to take on and attack rhetorically, the “squad”, comprising of four “congresswomen of color”- all outspoken, all socialist and from their rhetoric, all decidedly anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti law and order, pro Al Queda, and on and on and on.  To most of us, these four are not a very good example of what a responsible congressperson should be.  And to most of us, Trump’s twitter attacks also seem irresponsible.  Of course the left and their media backers shout “RACISM”, as they do about just about anything else that Trump does.

We can join a lot of the hub-bub and say that Trump is being petulant if not overtly racist.  But  perhaps we should ask, maybe he is as dumb as a sly old fox, causing the democrats to eat their own tail like the Ouroboros.  Some people say that Trump’s attack on “the squad” caused the democrats to band together and heal the rift being caused by their socialist left.  I have to ask who was up there representing the democrats and loudly advertising extremist positions while acting the “women of color” victim card?  Has not Trump caused the democrats to shift publicly even more to the extreme left by supporting this outlier “squad”?  He has called out these four congresswomen for being against America, not because of their race.

I really think that Trump has been around long enough to know exactly what he is doing.  He has countless times seemed wrong or way off base, only to be ultimately vindicated.  Of course he is rarely, if ever given credit by the left and their media minions.

Ray Gruszecki

July 16, 2019

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