Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Duality of Our Laws and Practices

The Duality of Our Laws and Practices

One has to ask the question – “why are prominent democrats still in power while comparable republicans have been drummed out of office by the rabid left wing and biased mainstream media?”.

What comes immediately to mind on the democrat’s side are Governor Ralph Northam, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax and Attorney General Mark Herring, all of Virginia; and Kim Foxx, Cook County Illinois States’ Attorney in the Jussie Smollett case.

From “Real Clear Politics” – “A picture of a man in blackface on Northam’s medical school yearbook page surfaced, and during a press conference, Northam insisted he was not in the yearbook photo but admitted he had once worn blackface. Virginia’s Attorney General, Mark Herring, said, “It is no longer possible for Gov. Northam to lead our Commonwealth.”  The Democrat who would succeed Northam, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, then was accused by a detailed statement released by a woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her 15 years ago.  Later Herring, the Democrat who would succeed Fairfax, admitted he had worn blackface while in college”.  All three of these men are still in power in Virginia.  If they were republicans, the unwavering left-wing press would have drummed them out long ago.

Kim Foxx arbitrarily dismissed all charges against Jussie Smollett after alleged conversations with Clinton and Obama contacts.  She is embroiled in a special prosecutor investigation, but still wields power in Cook County.

On the republican side, numerous officials have resigned or been fired after only hints of impropriety.  The latest is Alex Acosta, Labor Secretary, who was involved in a past plea deal involving the “villain of the hour”, Jeffrey Epstein.  Associates of Epstein, like Bill Clinton, are given a free pass.

Other notable republicans who were forced out or “doxed” out by the overactive, leftist oriented mainstream media were Rob porter and Pat Shanahan due to hints of domestic impropriety.  The most egregious situation is that of Mike Flynn, for talking to Russians and falling into an FBI perjury trap.

It is increasingly evident that separate levels of laws and justice have evolved as common usage, depending on whether one is democrat or republican in this country.  The left wing ignores and derides our laws, and characterizes any attempt to apply many duly passed laws as “racist” or “homophobic” or “misogynist”.  Examples abound, and the most egregious are the lies and innuendos being spread by activist leftists about child abuse at the border, “sanctuary cities and states”, leftist antifa thugs wreaking violence on our streets, and permissiveness toward squatters that effectively promotes medieval filth and disease in leftist run cities.  Letting left wing bad actors skate is just an outgrowth of the democrat/socialist mantra.

We must get a handle on these inequities in our society. The Trump administration tries, most times in face of an obstructionist congress.  But the cultural pressure from the preponderance of mainstream media, coastal and urban elitists, Hollywood demigods and biased circuit courts, can be overwhelming.  Not to say that everything that Trump proposes is right, but at least he seems to be trying to preserve American values and law and order.

By analogy, if we do not bring some balance to our country from outlandish socialist practices and proposals, we risk following poor Venezuela down the path to socialist and politically correct ruin.

Ray Gruszecki
July 13, 2019

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