Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The “Squad”

The “Squad”

The “squad” of four controversial and seemingly anti-American “women of color”, are American citizens and also elected members of congress.  They can express their opinions under the first amendment, just like any American citizen, and they have the forum of notoriety to make their views more widely known than most of us. 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and perhaps less so, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, have become identified as socialist, anti-American, anti-Semitic radicals, expressing views that have sometimes bordered on treason and sedition, and that have turned a good part of the country against them.  AOC’s recent poll numbers show a 22% approval rating, and Omar’s show a 9% rating.

We cannot deny the “squad’s” right to tear down and denigrate America and lie about its abuses, any more than we can deny Kaepernick, Rapinoe and some NFL players the right to disrespect the American flag and national anthem under the first amendment.  That doesn’t mean we have to like it, and to condone and accept such anti-American behavior, and most of us, apparently including President Trump, will not just passively accept it.

If the perpetrators of any controversial actions have any tinge of color, the object of their disrespect is forgotten, and cries of “RACISM” are taken up, as were many criticisms of the Obama administration while he was president.  Trump has done more to enhance the economic well-being of minorities than Obama or most other presidents have done.  Still he is called “RACIST” whenever he criticizes anything controversial perpetrated by anyone with a tinge of color.  Of course, to be honest, tact is not his forte when tweeting his opinions, and he is often misunderstood as “RACIST”.

Trump’s latest tweet war seems to be aimed at highlighting just how socialist, radical and out of the mainstream the democrat party has become.  By supporting and identifying with the radical “squad” in a public forum, the whole country can see for themselves how hypocritical the democrats are, and how far toward radicalism, socialism and communism they have turned.  Trump could have been more tactful and presidential about it, but as we have seen many times before, he is Trump.

Ray Gruszecki
July 17, 2019

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