Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Dems Just Can’t Win

The Dems Just Can’t Win

The dems and leftists just can’t catch a break! All of their many attempts to derail this president have failed. First their inexorable march toward Obama/Clinton style secularism, and political correctness was interrupted by that brash, outspoken and overtly anti identity politics interloper, Donald Trump. And this happened in spite of the democrat/leftist collusion/conspiracy with foreigners like the Russians and Christopher Steele, more collusion/conspiracy with the fifth column within the Justice Department/FBI, and almost universal mainstream media efforts to keep Trump from being elected.

Next came riots and cars burning in the streets after Trump’s election, perpetrated by “the resistance”, or antifa, with the violence justified as “anti-racist”, although there were rare, if any racist occurrences. Sadly and unfortunately, a white supremacist at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killed a woman protester with his car, and the media added great amounts of fuel to the fire.

This was followed by the ruthless and false vilification of Trump appointees like Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his backers with leftist mobs not only rioting, but also accosting Trump administration officials in the streets, in restaurants and in their homes. The dems produced false witnesses who lied about Kavanaugh’s activities 25 years ago, and the media piled on and literally destroyed this upstanding Judge and his family. Truth prevailed, however, and Kavanaugh was confirmed to the supreme court.

Then came the greatest effort to finally and forever, remove Trump from office and possibly put him in jail, the special investigation by Robert Mueller and his hand-picked, mostly Obama and Clinton affiliated democrats. This would prove that the Trump campaign colluded/conspired with Russia, and that Trump had illegally obstructed justice and either broken the law, or committed impeachable offenses. Mueller was represented by the leftists and their mainstream media cohorts as their “superhero”

Getting any legislation done, even with small majorities in the House and Senate during the first two years of the Trump administrations were nearly impossible due to the hue and cry of those who called themselves “the resistance” (as if they were in Vichy France). Trump unwound many of Obama’s (some illegal), executive orders with some of his own executive orders aimed at removing restrictions on business and economic activity. A tax reduction bill was eked through congress, - and the economy and stock markets took off and most people’s economic lives improved.

All of this in spite of patently leftist district and circuit court judges hampering Trump’s efforts at every turn, necessitating action in higher courts, including the Supreme Court, with the Trump administration winning most of these higher court decisions.

The mid-term elections turned the House democrat, and even minimal legislative effort pretty much stopped. Under the auspices of Pelosi as speaker, and committee chairs like Nadler, Schiff, Cummings and Maxine Waters, activity in the House turned to trying to find charges against Trump that would lead to impeachment. Many subpoenas were issued, leading to a showdown between executive and legislative branches of government concerning extent of powers.

Also, with the dem’s majority, came a new phenomenon – newly elected congresswomen that are activist, virulently ant-Trump, socialist, anti-Israel and verbally anti-American. They essentially formed a social media cabal that is challenging Speaker Pelosi and the mainstream democrat party, and succeeding in moving the democrat party to the extreme, if not radical left wing, and away from anywhere near middle America.

Then the next of many catastrophes for the leftists. The vaunted Mueller report, all 448 pages, was finally released, and found no collusion by the Trump administration with Russia, and with Attorney General Barr’s help, also found no crime of obstruction of justice on Trump’s part, The report contains inflammatory and erroneous language that the investigation “does not exonerate Trump”, as if they were a court and jury that could “exonerate” him, rather than an investigative body that found no crime. Attorney General Barr released the 98% unredacted report to the public, which he was not legally obliged to do. Months of meaningless argument about redactions followed. Robert Mueller issued a prepared statement that he is closing down the investigation, the findings of the report are final, and that these are his last words on the matter.

Next, the final straw. Robert Mueller is brought before Nadler’s Judiciary committee and Schiff’s Intelligence committee. It was literally painful to watch much of Robert Mueller’s testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees. Mueller’s fumbling and ill-informed responses revealed pretty quickly that he had lost a few steps, and also probably a few neurons with time and age.

Clearly, he did not want to be there, and his halting responses somewhat explained his secretive and enigmatic behavior during the three year-long special investigation into collusion, obstruction and myriad other implied political sins and wrong-doings of which Trump and his administration were accused. It was also pretty readily apparent that Robert Mueller was a mere figurehead in the vaunted “Mueller investigation”, rather than a knowledgeable and active participant.

Not to belabor Mueller’s obvious diminished capacity and knowledge, but let’s remember that the Mueller’s investigation took nearly three years, cost us, the taxpayers somewhere around $30 million, and resulted in “no collusion” with Russia, and politically charged verbiage like “did not EXONERATE Trump from obstruction”, which is legally meaningless, but which was apparently made a feature of the report to inflame impeachment advocates.

It does not take an advanced law degree to understand that only a court and a trial jury can EXONERATE someone, and the Mueller group was an investigative body, and not a jury. They could not EXONERATE anyone. They could only determine whether or not a crime had been committed. It was not. There was no crime. But the reference to “NOT EXONERATING” Trump irresponsibly set off another round of democrat committee action, at taxpayer expense, including this latest testimony by Mueller, to “finally get Trump”, (for the umpteenth time).

Say what you like about Trump and his bizarre assertions and tweets that sometimes seem “off the wall”, and later are proven to have had some degree of truth. One such is Trump’s depiction of “Mueller and his 13 angry democrats”. This certainly rings true now, after Mueller’s fiasco before congress.

And although it should have ended a long time ago, even before what some are now calling the Weissmann Investigation (after Mueller’s activist lieutenant), the beat goes on, with Nadler, Schiff, Cummings and others continuing to spend taxpayer dollars in their empty “investigations” of Trump. More subpoenas, more rabid conspirational polemics by CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, the WaPo, What will really end it? A resounding republican victory in 2020, with functional majorities in both houses. This may sound like wishful thinking, but with AOC and her “squad” driving the democrats further and further to the extreme left and away from mainstream America, its not out of the question

Ray Gruszecki
July 28, 2019

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