Friday, December 6, 2019

Impeachment and Aftermath

Impeachment and Aftermath

Most Americans were working and not watching live the House Judiciary Committee hearings on impeachment.  They get the biased snippets from the hearings provided in their evening news by the media, or in the headlined articles in their newspapers.  As is normal in our current news environment, over 90% of these summaries will reflect the opinions and talking points of the democrat party and left-wing which favor impeachment.  Fortunately, most Americans are not completely gullible or stupid since many of them flock to Fox News, or the Wall Street Journal, or other media who are not automatically propaganda outlets for the left.

It’s as if we live in alternate worlds when we are exposed to news from preponderantly left-wing mainstream media, versus the few opposing outlets.  The democrats, the left, and their media accomplices accept the opinions and hearsay testimony of disgruntled executive branch employees and left-wing, anti-Trump “legal experts” as factual evidence that Trump used the power of the presidency for personal gain.  The few and far between  opposing media outlets point to the openly available transcript of the infamous phone call of July 25, 2019, between President Trump and President Zelinsky of Ukraine, and other irrefutable facts to support the conclusion that maybe the phone call wasn’t “perfect”, but that the phone call and the circumstances around it were nowhere near “IMPEACHABLE!”

All the above notwithstanding, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerold Nadler are hell-bent on impeaching Trump and are organizing writing the House of Representatives based articles of impeachment.  Certainly, the democrats know that the Senate will never convict Trump, so why are they proceeding with this effort, that cannot fail to exacerbate the already rancorous divisions of the country?  One can only conjecture that the democrats wish to besmirch Trump and give him a bloody nose, with impeachment in the house, even more than they already have through their continuing “resistance”.  Although impeachment may have some negative impact on Trump temporarily, he has shown a remarkable ability to overcome all seemingly dire attacks. (i.e. – the Access Hollywood tape, Stormy Daniels, the Steele dossier, etc).

Unfortunately, in this political environment, where the leftists use almost fascistic and revolutionary tactics to punctuate their opinions, we can expect even greater divisions in the country than we already have, and more violence in our streets fueled and financed by George Soros and similar types.  Professor Jonathan Turley, the legal scholar who did not vote for Trump, but who testified before Nadler’s Judicial Committee and expressed a moderate view on the impeachment issue, has already reported threats of violence to himself and his family, for his testimony.  The leftist fascists react to freedom of speech with violence.

Nancy Pelosi has a reputation of being a very astute political operator.  The consensus of many Washington experts is that Pelosi had no choice but to institute impeachment, to preserve the unity of the increasingly activist left-leaning democrat party.  It remains to be seen, whether the 2020 electorate will follow the democrats and the identity politics warriors against the “orange man”.  If the economy stays robust, the stock market stays at record highs, unemployment stays at record lows, middle income wages continue to increase, and no wars ensue, it is difficult to see how impeachment will stop Trump from being elected to a second term.  In fact the democrat’s insistence on impeachment with such nebulous charges may lose them majorities in both houses of congress in 2020.

One third of the electorate are Acela or West Coast or other urban die-hard liberals and will follow the democrats to their promised social justice Nirvana.  One third are republicans and conservatives from “fly-over country” and reject the “trumped-up” impeachment charges and other liberal posturing’s.  The other one third are the real targets of any national election.  They are swing voters who live in the so-called battleground states, those states that cannot be automatically counted as being in one or the other political party’s pocket, (Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Maine, Iowa, Arizona). These states, and ethnic groups (African Americans, Hispanics, etc.) are important electoral focuses. To be noted is the fact that nearly all of these have been positively impacted by the Trump boom economy, and money probably will talk louder than some of Trump’s grating tweets and other New York style gaffes.

Ray Gruszecki
December 6, 2019

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