Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Trump’s and Obama’s Foreign policy

Trump’s and Obama’s Foreign policy

Does anyone remember the foreign policy of the Obama administration?

Who can forget the apologia, obsequiousness and bumbling by Obama and his administration, masked by an arrogant, pseudo-intellectual preachiness?

Lecturing to the world while Russia annexed Crimea and became a force in Syria.  Bowing to Islamic leaders and apologizing for American exceptionalism.  Allowing the whole world to play the U.S. for suckers on trade, foreign aid, NATO support.  Pontificating on reducing troops, while allowing ISIS to rise in Iraq and Syria.  Allowing China to terra-form islands and make the South China Sea into a Chinese lake.

Continuing more of the same self-congratulatory rhetoric while fostering or ignoring myriad other debacles like the Iran nuclear deal, Paris climate accord, TPP, fast and furious, redline in the sand in Syria, North Korea, Libya, Benghazi, and on and on.  And of course, no criticism of Obama and his minions was possible for fear of being termed “RACIST!”, by the fawning mainstream media.

Along comes Trump, to the consternation of the embedded administrative state now complicit in trying to impeach him.  Trump, crying “bullshit” and worse invective to the self-serving, rather than America-serving bureaucracy, and ending Obama’s apologizing for America by undoing many of the previous administration’s foreign policy gaffes. 

All to the loud yowls of the administrative state and their media accomplices, who feel that they should be setting executive branch policy, rather than carrying it out.

This article by Professor Hanson highlights several areas where the Trump administration, in spite of the absurd impeachment coup attempt, and in spite of the blistering, biased, one-sided media barrage against him, is engaged in rectifying some of the past mis-steps and flat-out errors in our foreign policy.


Ray Gruszecki

December 3, 2019

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