Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Left’s Hatred of Trump

The Left’s Hatred of Trump

I went searching for why Trump is so absolutely hated by our American left.  Trying to get away from the usual saws – “he beat Hillary” he’s a racist, he’s disgusting tweeting troll”, etc., it seems that the main reason for hating this interloper from New York is his pragmatic disregard of the niceties of politics and government in favor of “what works”.  Sometimes this means offending or stepping on the toes of one of the political identities chosen by the left for special favors.  Sometimes it means voicing something, just like Joe Six Pack would, that is offensive to elitist ears.  In foreign affairs, trump doesn’t bow to our friends and foes.  He tells our NATO allies to “pay up”.  That does not endear him to Merkel or Macron or Trudeau. 

He sometimes needlessly belittles and offends highly regarded liberal icons that he should not - for example, John McCain (RIP), whose vote in the senate failed to end Obamacare, the Khans, a Muslim gold star family, and a handicapped reporter.  Of course all of these incidents were seized upon with fury by the biased anti-Trump leftist media and blown all out of proportion.

It is difficult to be entirely fair when it comes to President Trump.  Few would enjoy working for him, and having him as a boss.  On the other hand, we have to admit that what he is doing is working a lot better for the country than what his predecessors were doing, so these backers can say: “ We did not elect him to be a nice guy.  We elected him to do the right job.”

To republicans, conservatives and libertarians, Trump has slowed the cultural and political trend toward secular identity politics and political correctness.  He has retrieved our sense of American exceptionalism that was foundering only in our outback and made it part of more mainstream Americana.  The point is that under Trump, not only are the voices of the Acela and coastal and urban elitists heard, as was increasingly so under Obama and his ilk.  Also heard are the myriad, multi-ethnic and multi-racial and diversely educated voices of middle and “flyover” America.  

This Wall Street Journal article is a bit dated, but it hits many main points.

 One quote from the article:

“You might dislike the whole package. I wouldn’t choose him as a friend, nor would he choose me. But what I see on the left is often plain, unconditional hatred of which the hater—God forgive him—is proud. It’s discouraging, even disgusting. And it does mean, I believe, that the Trump-hater truly does hate the average American—male or female, black or white. Often he hates America, too.”

The following links reflect a range of primarily anti-Trump rhetoric.  The “Salon” article is particularly scathing and negative.  The “Thought Catalog” links enumerate the same points with pros and cons for each point.  The Rasmussen article is reasonably objective.

Ray Gruszecki
December 15, 2019

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