Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Impeachment Games

Impeachment Games

It has to be evident to anyone who is at all objective, that the democrats are shooting themselves                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in the foot with their one-sided impeachment farce.  Even the two articles of impeachment that the house democrats have formulated are considered to be weak, and to have no specific constitutional relevance.  The democrats are impeaching Trump because he is an unrepentant, bull in the china shop outsider, and they cannot stomach him, or control him.

Trump has undone many of the Obama and Bill Clinton era niceties and regulations and obsequious foreign machinations that are so dear to the mid-level managers of the administrative state.  Their dissatisfaction with their executive branch boss was evident in their “testimony”, which effectively coalesced office gossip and innuendo and turned that into “undeniable and irrefutable abuse of power” by Nancy Pelosi, Adams Schiff, Jerry Nadler and others.

The one-sidedness, unfairness and lack of due process evident in the democrat’s handling of their “impeachment” effort will count for naught for the inveterate one third of the country who have rolled their hatred of Trump into their backing of social justice, identity politics, political correctness and lately, socialist tendencies and activities.  Strident voices from the left will try to claim the moral high ground even though their foundation is based on unfairness and lies.

The roughly one third of the country who are on the right of politics will be all over this ill-conceived impeachment effort like flies on horse manure.  They will flock to Fox News in ever greater numbers as CNN and NBC watchers diminish.  Tucker and Hannity and Laura will have field days.

The other third of the country, and in fact most of the country in general will count the money from their better jobs or their Christmas bonuses and say “ho hum” to these Washington impeachment shenanigans.  These “middle” type will probably gravitate to rightist media like Fox because of the veracity they bring, and away from the obvious false stridency of the preponderant left-wing media.  

By November, 2020, barring the Second Coming, or an economic depression or a shooting war, Trump and the republicans should win in a landslide, including both houses of congress, and get on with governing the country, rather than playing impeachment games.  

Ray Gruszecki

December 10, 2019

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