Sunday, February 2, 2020

Bernie Sanders – Democratic Socialist or Communist?

Bernie Sanders – Democratic Socialist or Communist?

Bernie Sanders may call himself a “social democrat”, but his 50+ years in politics shows him to be a Marxist and a communist.  Bernie may have modified some of his views about nationalizing industry, but like China’s adopting a market-oriented economy, it does not make China any less communist. 

Bernie now claims that his socialism is patterned on that of the Scandinavian countries, but this is patently false.  Denmark, Sweden and Finland may have welfare states based on extremely high taxes and cradle to grave care, but imply to any Dane or Swede or Finn that their system is socialist, and they will laugh you out of the room.  Their system is strongly capitalist, and their brand of the welfare state has worked in the past for relatively small, diligent and responsible populations.  Some Scandinavian countries are now having real problems as their systems are hit with non-supporting, indigent migrants.

Bernie’s Marxism has been consistent through the years, and he has only modified his overt views about nationalization because of electability necessity.  He is a populist politician after all.
One cannot fail to admire Bernie’s consistency through his 50+ years in Brooklyn, Chicago, Vermont and Washington, D.C.  He has read and applied his Marx and Saul Alinsky very well through the years.

Bernie’s appeal to young people is understandable.  Notwithstanding the inherent idealism of youth, the fact that they have not experienced the ravages of socialism and communism, which were responsible for the deaths of upwards of 120 million people in the twentieth century, makes youth particularly susceptible to the swansong of the altruistic aspect of socialism.  If I were a disenfranchised twenty-something with a “gender studies” degree living in my parents’ basement, with a student loan debt of $50,000-$100,000, and my only prospects were flipping burgers or digging ditches, and someone suggested that my debt be forgiven and that I be given “free” stuff, I would certainly respond positively to Bernie.

Bernie is charismatic and real, and God help us if he ever has the chance to wield “a pen and a phone” like Obama, because he will do irrevocable damage to our republic.

The DNC and the powerful Clinton forces seem to be aligned against Bernie, as they were in 2016, and the democrat candidates seem so fragmented that anything might result, even Hillary or Michelle Obama.  With a couple of billionaires like Bloomberg and Steyer in the mix, and Soros on the sidelines, all of them spending money like drunken sailors, nothing is impossible, except one of them beating Trump in November.

These two articles by left wing publications take a look at Bernie’s past.

Ray Gruszecki
February 1, 2020

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