Thursday, February 6, 2020

What Now, After the Impeachment Farce?

What Now, After the Impeachment Farce?

The impeachment nonsense is over and Trump has been acquitted of the two extremely weak and incomplete articles of impeachment produced by the house democrats in their star chamber and kangaroo court house proceedings.

The democrats seem in disarray after Trump’s acquittal and their Iowa caucus disaster, but let’s remember that a cornered rat is most dangerous.  And I mean, “rat”.  How can we ever forget the unscrupulous and dishonest machinations against President Trump for the last three years, and particularly against Judge Kavanaugh in 2018?  These people have no sense of decency or fairness, and will try to destroy everyone in their path to gain political power and hegemony.
Watching Pelosi and the democrats during President Trump’s State of the Union speech, and Pelosi’s juvenile ripping up of her copy of the speech is illustrative of this “Trump derangement syndrome”.  Pelosi’s and the democrats’ rude and thoughtless actions and gestures in response to the inspirational moments of the SOTU speech, such as providing a scholarship for a little girl, reuniting a gold star family and recognizing a 100 year old Tuskegee Airman, can in fact form the basis for future republican campaign ads.

The republican side fight pretty much fairly, mostly tell the truth and are willing to rationally discuss issues.  They are too nice, and therefore are at a disadvantage to the dirty tricks and unscrupulous tactics used by the leftists.  It is not partisan politics to see through the outright lies based on hearsay, used by the house managers in the impeachment proceedings.  The transcript of Trump’s phone calls with the President of Ukraine lay in plain sight, while the democrat house managers fashioned all manner of impeachable offenses about them.  Thankfully, the President’s legal defense was cogent, forthright and convincing.

But like cornered rats, the democrats will not cease trying to “get Trump” so long as they have a majority in the house.  Jerry Nadler was already fishing with Christopher Wray any salient information from the Mueller inquiry and even from the Kavanaugh hearing.  Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff will find ways to try to question Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and others to try to dredge up more dirt on Trump.  These individuals are probably protected by executive privilege, so it may take a long time for the question to work its way through the courts.

In the meantime, Senator Lindsay Graham, chairman of the Judicial Committee has said that he will subpoena Eric Ciaramella, the purported whistle blower and others, and get the Foreign Relations Committee to subpoena Hunter and Joe Biden.  They should also question Adam Schiff, who was a participant in the conspiracy on the Trump impeachment.  The Durham investigation should also expose the real abuses by the democrats and the administrative state against candidate Trump, and later, against President Trump.  Assuming that Mitch McConnell can hold together his caucus, the senate should be able to investigate and expose myriad abuses.

The house will continue to attack Trump while they have a majority and the speakership.  But Senators, Graham, Gaetz, Rand Paul and others should do all in their power to expose the corrupt and conniving democrats for what they are; power hungry, bureaucrats hell bent on making our republic a secular, woke”, politically correct entity revolving around bigoted identity-based political groups.

Ray Gruszecki
February 6, 2020

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