Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sympathy for the Democrats?

Sympathy for the Democrats?

The democrats are reeling after their failed impeachment attempt against President Trump and their Iowa caucus debacle, which seemingly gave old Joe a “gut punch” and resulted in a tie between an avowed communist and a glib talking mayor of a small, poorly run city.  What goes around comes around.  Maybe old Joe should brag again about withholding that $1 billion dollars from Ukraine until a prosecutor investigating his son’s company is fired.

We almost start feeling a little sorry for the democrats, until we see Nancy tearing up an inspirational State of the Union speech which highlighted a number of real Americans, like the little 10 year old girl who got a scholarship to a decent school, a gold star family whose warrior husband reunited with them, a 100 year old Muskogee airman who was recently promoted to general, and a now healthy two year old who only weighed about a pound when she was born.  These Americans and others were featured in the speech, and that’s what Nancy tore up in her determined hatred of all things Trump. 

And the democrats wonder why Trump held up the Washington Post “Acquitted” headline, took a victory lap and rubbed it in a little.  The whole impeachment affair was a setup job by Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and disaffected employees of the executive administrative state that worked for Trump.  It failed miserably on process, and on substance, and on constitutional law, as proven by Trump’s very able defensive legal team.

Other democrat abuses that ward us off from feeling sorry for their present pitiful state are really too many to enumerate.  FBI FISA abuses that destroyed people and resulted in the $35 million Mueller investigation, (that also acquitted Trump), are particularly egregious.

Also, the unprecedented viciousness exhibited by these same democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings are almost beyond belief.  Feinstein’s last-minute creation of Blasey-Ford as a witness who elicited sympathy describing her claim of 25 year-old sexual abuse by Kavanaugh, but she couldn’t remember when or what city she was in.  The same with Deborah Ramirez, also pulled out of a hat at the last minute with similar memory issues.  And the crowning, bizarre achievement was Julie Swetnick, produced by that paragon of the law, Michael Avenatti, who claimed that Kavanaugh was part of a gang rape ring.  Even the inveterate democrats found this last hard to swallow, but Avenatti became the darling of CNN, MSNBC and the other left wing media, and in fact was being touted as a presidential candidate, until he defrauded Nike, Stormy Daniels and others, and ended up in the slammer.  The democrats tried to destroy Kavanaugh, a true paragon of the law and his family with false witnesses, false “evidence” and mainstream media innuendo, all proven false by an FBI investigation, but none of the false actors were ever brought to justice.

So we’ll have to be pardoned for not dredging up any sympathy for the unscrupulous, dishonest and now disorganized democrats.  Some caveats, though.  Watch out for Bloomberg and his money.  He is a $65 billionaire, so $1 billion is chump change to him, and he is smart and astute enough to know how to use it.  Beware also of George Soros, who is always there, fomenting trouble like antifa and others.

Ray Gruszecki
February 6, 2020

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