Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Corona Virus Disaster

Corona Virus Disaster

The effects of this Corona Virus or Covid-19 worldwide disaster given to the world by the Chinese communists are disruptive, inconvenient, annoying, and in some instances, downright deadly.  As of this writing (March 18, 2020), there are 207,000 cases and over 8,300 deaths in 170 countries worldwide, from this virus.  For the U.S., there are 6538 cases, and 127 deaths  spanning all states and major possessions.

The curves for cases of the virus and deaths from it are still exponential for the world as a whole, and for most individual countries, including the U.S.  The only countries where the curves have flattened, and the virus seems to be abating, are China and South Korea.  The data from China is suspect since we don’t know whether it has been propagandized by the communist government, or the result of forced population lock-downs under the barrels of totalitarian guns.  The data from South Korea holds some hope for civilized countries, but since it is only one country’s result, it is almost anecdotal.

This country seems to be taking appropriate steps to mitigate the spread of the virus and to allay panic.  The effort is driven by the leaders and health professionals in the federal and state governments, with the cooperation of the major players in the health industry.  Big pharma seems to be actually using some of their ”big bucks” for the common good.

It is to be remembered that we do not have a dictator or czar or king sitting at the top of a monolithic country.  We have a president with legislatively and judiciously limited powers sitting on top of a federal republic comprised of 50 separate state governments with their own tri-partite government systems   President Trump or the federal government cannot dictate that a business in New York City or Chicago or Los Angeles close their doors or limit their attendance.  That is the purview of the respective state (and sometimes local) governments.

Similarly, Trump cannot just out of hand order or nationalize an industrial enterprise to mass produce ventilators or other medical equipment.  As we write this, Trump is in the process of activating the Defense Production Act which will allow the federal government to do similar to that.  He has also activated the Stafford act which facilitates federal assistance to the states.

Pelosi, Schumer, the antagonist mainstream media, and particularly the New York Times really need to stop second guessing and criticizing everything the Trump administration and the health and wealth professionals are doing to mitigate this virus, and the severe disruptions to the nation’s well-being.  It really is time for the “hate-Trumpers” to stop the political attacks and join the rest of the country to defeat this insidious and apolitical enemy.  These elements in our society and government have acted as if everything that Trump has done since he came down that escalator in 2015 has been wrong.  While Trump has reversed many of the ultra-left, liberal shibboleths so dear to leftists, even they have to admit that he has done some things right, including most of his response and handling this Wuhan virus disaster.  Being Trump, he is not about to back off from calling it the “Chinese virus”, just because it offends the artificial identity political sensibility of some ultra-liberal reporter.

Ray Gruszecki
March 18, 2020

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