Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Democrat Primary – Super Tuesday

After Super Tuesday
It appears after Super Tuesday, that the democrat machine and many democrat primary voters, have chosen poor old floundering party hack Joe Biden to be their ultimate presidential candidate.  Equally important is Bloomberg’s endorsement of Biden with his money and his data.

Not much has changed as far as the Trump campaign is concerned.  They are ready to take on all comers.  Can we just see Trump reminding old Joe on the debate stage, what state he is in, and where his wife and sister are?

Getting a bit more serious, there are several questions that come mind after Super Tuesday.

1.)    Is Bernie Sander’s populist, socialist demagoguery loud and effective enough to counter the establishment democrat machine arrayed against him and backing Biden?

2.)    Just how effective will be the establishment DNC’s and Bloomberg’s backing of Biden?

3.)    Can both parties generate enough voter turnout to effectively support their candidates and political points.  This pertains to not only the president, but also the federal, state and local executives, legislatures and judiciary.  This link refers:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

4.)    Getting the truth out to the voters in face of outright lies and an antagonistic left-wing mainstream media.  For example, the numbers show that lower income and minority groups have benefitted proportionally more from the Trump economy than higher income groups, but the democrats and their mainstream media accomplices spread the lie that only rich types benefit.  There are numerous such lies being spread amongst the populace by the left and their media that need to be clarified

Prior to Super Tuesday
Poor old Joe – nowhere near as sharp as old Bernie or even old Mike, and certainly not a match for the “orange giant”.  I think the mainline democrats must have holes in their heads to back pathetic, fumbling, increasingly senile, Joe Biden as their main candidate in the 2020 presidential campaign.  Many voters in the super Tuesday states apparently feel the same way, from early results. 

Biden has never been the brightest bulb in the array anyway, but after 50-odd years in politics, he deserves a comfortable rocking chair and slippers, not the rigors of a brutal and grueling presidential campaign, followed by the worries of the world.

Old Joe’s gaffes elicited some humor at first, like that failing old uncle not quite sure what he was about.  After a while, it was apparent that it wasn’t just Joe being Joe.  It was Joe slipping toward senility.  Rather than humor, his increasing gaffes elicit sadness and sympathy.

Not that Joe (or Bernie for that matter), have much of a chance against the Trump steamroller, but one has to wonder that if by some outside chance Biden did become president, what would the democrats do with him?  Hide him somewhere in the west wing labyrinth while keener Machiavellian minds of the deep state like Comey, Brennan and Clapper ran the country?

There’s a long way to go, and Joe’s bump from the South Carolina primary and the Klobuchar and Buttigieg endorsements may not last.  Bernie is staying even or not far behind on this super Tuesday, and what Bernie has going for him is the enthusiasm of his demagoguery, and of youth.  Too bad that only about 20% of the youth actually vote in the presidential elections.  Also, the mainstream democrats seem arrayed against Bernie, and probably also the super delegates if it comes to a contested convention in Milwaukee. Most likely, Bernie will get screwed out of the nomination again.

I still feel that Bloomberg, with maybe a Klobuchar VP, would be the most competent democrat ticket.  Unfortunately, it may be poor old Joe, or Bernie, the borderline communist. (Oh, excuse me, “democratic socialist”) running against Trump.

After Second Debate
I have watched the democrat debates and primaries.  IMHO democrats have only one rational adult running for president of the four remaining candidates, and that one is Bloomberg.

It seems to me that Klobuchar and Buttigieg throwing their support to poor old befuddled Joe Biden after they dropped out of the race is a monumental mistake.  If any of the remaining four democrats have a chance of countering Bernie Sander’s populist democrat socialism, and giving Trump a good run, it would be Bloomberg, with his unlimited resources and management background, and not Joe Biden, who was always a fumbler, but now who sadly also seems to suffer from age-related issues  It is literally sad to see Biden campaign.

Democrats should be really fearful of a Sander-Warren ticket.  That seems to be why Liz is hanging in there when she has no chance of the top spot.  (Republicans would love to see Sanders-Warren.)  Also, it would seem that a Bloomberg-Klobuchar ticket would be much more formidable in that anti-socialist and anti-Bernie democrat middle lane than say, a Biden-Klobuchar ticket.

It Bernie comes out of super Tuesday a big winner, all of these machinations may be for naught, and Sanders-Warren a real possibility.  The resulting debacle of a Sanders-Warren socialist ticket would ensure republican executive, legislative and judicial hegemony for the foreseeable future.

Ray Gruszecki – March 4, 2020

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