Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Chinese Communists and the Wuhan Virus

The Chinese Communists and the Wuhan Virus

I visited China in June of 2015 at a time when our philosopher-king president, Obama, was bowing to the world’s despots, looking the other way as Putin’s Russia attacked Ukraine and annexed the Crimea, and ignoring the Chinese repression of minorities and expansion into the South China Sea by creating  artificial military islands.  So the situation was more than politically stable for Americans visiting China at that time.

After all, our president seemed to be in China’s pocket, by not even making a modest move to counter China’s aggressive military and commercial machinations.  We started our five-day cruise on the Yangtze River in Yichang, in Hubei Province, about 200 miles west of the now infamous Wuhan.  Our tour did not take us to any of the many wet markets that trafficked in live animals for food.

That’s just in way of background for my 2015 visit to China.  Things were calm because things were going pretty much China’s way.  The things that I most remembered about China were the people, people, people, everywhere, and the same with cars, electric and manual bikes and conveyances of every imaginable type.  The other thing that was apparent were the rules and the public’s acceptance and adherence to them.  You did not hear much dissension, and what dissension existed was mild and innocuous.

With the advent of President Trump and the trade wars, where Trump refused to allow China’s unfair trade practices and predatory piracy of our intellectual property to continue, cracks in the demeanor of the Chinese communist government were made evident.  Not only were their unscrupulous trade practices exposed, their treatment of Christians, Tibetans and Muslim Uighurs was also exposed, particularly the million people concentration camps in Western China.  Other issues followed, such as treatment of the press within China, and the massive civil unrest seeking liberty and further autonomy from Beijing, in Hong Kong.

The latest evil perpetrated by the Chinese communists is their obfuscating and withholding critical medical information about the outbreak of the Corona Virus in Wuhan in late 2019, thus allowing this scourge upon humanity to spread unabated for months.  How many lives did this face-saving propaganda move cost the world?  How many Americans?

The Chinese communists will not be brought to task for their role in allowing the Corona Virus to propagate unabated for weeks.  But if you listen to Trump’s responses when asked by identity politics driven reporters as to why he insists on calling it the “Chinese”, or the “Wuhan” virus, you know where his sensibilities are.  I’m sure Trump will remember the actions of the Chinese communists with respect to this virus that is killing thousands world-wide, and resulting in a loss of one third of the world’s treasure, when it comes to negotiating future deals with China.
Ray Gruszecki
March 18, 2020

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