Friday, March 20, 2020

Fevered Musings from the Cabin on the Isolation Crisis

Fevered Musings from the Cabin on the Isolation Crisis

We who have attained a sufficient number of years are cloistered in our comfortable “active” retirement suites with no activities planned or allowed, not even with “social distancing”.  So, we are reduced to watching the daily Trump-Pence-Fauci-Brix-Azar-etc-etc-etc show about the world-wide and national progress of the Chinese Corona Virus, and what is being done to slow it down and eventually stamp it out.  This consists of a lot of medical, technical and political effort and trillions of dollars planned to be expended to this end.

Firstly, I’ve posted these links from the New York Times previously as representing the best source for the numbers, curves and statistics relating to the Corona Virus crisis.  Some people use the data provided by Johns Hopkins as the standard, but I find that the NYT numbers are a little higher at any given point in time than any other source, indicating that the NYT data is more up to the minute.  NYT say they draw from all sources, including Johns Hopkins in preparing their data.  I stand by my choice of the NYT data as the most complete and comprehensive source of Corona Virus data.

One thing I notice from this great NYT data is how few cases and deaths of this virus are being reported in relatively warm climes.  As of March 20, 2020, India, with a population of over 1.3 billion people, has 249 cases of the virus, and 5 deaths.  For Indonesia, population 264 million, there are 369 cases and 32 deaths.  Pakistan, 197 million people, 500 cases, 3 deaths, Philippines, 105 million people, 230 cases, 18 deaths.  What is common for all of these countries is they are mostly warm and tropical.  Apparently, this virus does not like heat, which bodes well as our more northern areas head toward spring and summer.

Another thought I had is about masks.  Before travelling to China in 2015, I bought a dozen 3M N95 industrial face masks, and took several of them to China with me.  As it turned out we had sunny blue skies in Beijing when we arrived, later some mild smog at the great wall outside of Beijing, and rainy, cloudy and again mild smog in Shanghai.  I did not need the masks for smog, although the Chinese in the cities seemed to wear them as a matter of course.  What I used did use the face masks for eventually is to keep myself from spreading a cold to others that I had contracted while on the Yangtze River.  My experience with masks supports the CDC contention that masks are not to protect me from them.  They are to protect them from me.

Another topic.  I’ve been watching President Trump, Vice President Pence, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Brix, HHS Secretary Alex Azar, State Secretary Mike Pompeo and others stand in front of the TV cameras and the press literally for hours every day to keep the people of the country informed of ongoing events with respect to the Chinese virus crisis.  It is evident that some members of the hate Trump mainstream media press just cannot avoid loaded questions and snide remarks aimed at politicizing the crisis.  They do not seem to understand that we all have to pull together to defeat this invisible enemy, republicans and democrats, pro-Trumpers and never-Trumpers.  The disease does not distinguish.  Instead they exacerbate the crisis by denigrating the efforts of the government and health professionals who are trying to contain it.  Politicians of opposing parties are cooperating more and more fully to defeat this thing.  Representatives of the press should take a clue and follow suit.

One last thought.  If you didn’t get in on the great toilet paper buying spree, I can suggest a great use for the paper editions of the New York Times and the Washington Post.  I only have digital access to these to maintain a full view of the news, so that doesn’t help me.  Lends a new meaning to “can you spare a sheet”.

Ray Gruszecki
March 20, 2020

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