Sunday, April 26, 2020

Eat Tide Pods Washed down with Lysol

Eat Tide Pods Washed down with Lysol

I normally do not watch the broadcast TV Sunday morning “news” shows, ABC’s “This Week”, NBC’s “Meet the Press”, and CBS’ “Face the Nation”, because of their unrelenting leftist bias.  They do not disappoint.  I sampled these shows this morning and found pretty much the same – snide and snarky remarks for any involvement by Trump this past week.  The biggest issue this morning seemed to be that Trump recommended that we drink disinfectant to treat Covad-19 internally.  This is about as bad an example of the media taking an innocent, (though thoughtless) comment, and morphing it into some monstrous concoction.

Also, Trump never learns, or really just flies in the media’s face.  He hears a new fact or idea, and ruminates on it out loud at a news conference.  He is typically taken out of context, or blatantly falsified.  The disinfectant issue is just one of myriad such attempts by the mainstream media to discredit him and make him look like the inconsiderate “great orange monster”.  Trump could be discussing the cure for cancer at one of his briefings, and the New York Times headline would read “Trump Supports Cancer”.  If he talked about radiation treatment, the NYT headline would be “Trump Backs Nuking Patients”

Most fair-minded, thinking people will cluck their tongues and think “quel dommage”, - “just another leftist attack on Trump”.  But many of our more ovine minded electorate take the Sunday morning news shows as fair criticisms, and consequently, their opinions are guided toward the biased, hate-Trump crowd.

Hopefully, some modicum of reason and fairness will prevail in America, and people will say “enough already”.  If there were a truly viable alternative to replacing Trump for his mis-speaks, if not his mis-deeds, in the coming election, like a Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, or even a Bill Clinton, things would be easier.  But Joe Biden?  C’mon, man!  And all that that brings with it, - Pelosi, (or worse), “the squad” setting a communist-like theme and nanny state in the background?

I don’t think that there is any reasonable alternative to Trump in the November elections.  As I’ve said many times, “he’s an a-hole, but he’s our a-hole”.   Hopefully some time before the election the economy will be resurging, and let’s hope that the virus doesn’t return in full force.  Forget the media BS.  Forget the polls run by the same media.  We just need to be honest and fair and pro-American, and not taken in by the hypocritical machinations of democrat-socialism, identity politics, open borders and sanctuary cities and states.

Ray Gruszecki
April 26, 2020

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