Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Horror Stories

Horror Stories

All of the attempts to prevent Donald Trump’s election, and then his removal from office have failed, in spite of the continuing efforts of the residual Obama administrative state, and the extreme left biased media to “get Trump”, by whatever means, mostly foul.  Remember the “Hollywood access tapes”, the Steele dossier, the Stormy Daniels allegations, Mike Flynn, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, the perverted FISA warrants, the $30 million Russian collusion investigation, the Pelosi-Schiff star chamber “impeachment”?  And on and on and on, ad Infinium.

And now the Corona virus, where Trump remembers the constitution, and does not take on dictatorial powers like another arrogant New Yorker did during the second world war, but allows the federalism inherent in our system of government to work.  He gets the federal government to help the states as necessary, but allows the diverse states to act for their individual best interests.  Just like the founders intended.

Any credit from the dems and their media accomplices?  Not a chance.  Instead Pelosi & co. slow down the aid bills in congress designed to help those facing economic ruin from the crisis, by loading these bills up with democrat socialist “pork”.  And the media continues their biased propaganda against everything that Trump does to lead the country out of the crisis.

Since Trump seems to have been working 24/7, and 20-hour days, he blows off a little steam during daily briefings, and, he is roundly excoriated for it by the Stelters and Acostas and Maddows.  The latest from Stelter is to recycle the old garbage that Trump is “unfit”.  Bruni, Krugman and all the other New York Times amateur psychiatrists and political geniuses posit that based on the same polls that were so accurate in the 2016 election, Trump is heading toward defeat and will bring the senate with him.  They look forward to Joe Biden’s ascendancy, (if they can get him to remember what he is running for).

So, they paint these horror stories in the anti-Trump media to comfort themselves that even though past efforts have failed, there are still ways to force the “mean orange monster” out.

Well, I have a horror story back at the Acela, coastal and urban elites and their media allies.  Four more years of Donald Senior, which is almost a given, followed by eight years of Donald Junior, follow by eight years of Ivanka, followed by eight years of Eric.  By then, Barron should be out of Wharton, have some experience, and be ready for the job. And the country should be self-reliant, protect innocent babies, and not be afraid to fly American flags all over the place, as symbols of our patriotism.

Ray Gruszecki
April 28, 2020

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