Thursday, April 23, 2020

Pelosi, et al, Again?

Pelosi, et al, Again?

Lest we American voters get distracted again like we evidently did during the 2018 mid-term elections, we may have Nancy Pelosi, “the squad” and a majority democrat House of Representatives impeding any meaningful legislation after the 2020 election, save “the green new deal” and other such democrat socialist and identity politics idiocy.

Remember what happened in 2018.  The left and the “deep state” and their media accomplices, had so slandered the Trump presidency with the Mueller Russia Collusion investigation and other ad hominem attacks, that the electorate was conflicted and confused by all of the ersatz charges.  Under cover of distraction, in moved the leftist operatives like Soros, Bloomberg and Steyer, and their very deep pockets, to turn Virginia and other states blue enough for the democrats to win a majority in the House.  

Only now, with the IG report and the continuing Barr and Durham investigations, is the true attempted coup of Trump by the leftover Obama administrative state being exposed.  But in the meantime, we have Pelosi, tearing up the State of the Union address, attempting another coup with an ill-conceived impeachment, and delaying relief to small businesses and workers because of the Covid-19 shutdown of the country while she eats gourmet ice cream in her San Francisco mansion.

And if we don’t watch out and stay vigilant, Soros and Steyer and Bloomberg are out there trying to repeat 2018, and bring Pelosi, or worse, to the leadership of the House. 

We need to apply plain old grass roots republican politics out there at the local, state and federal level, particularly in the mid-America swing states that are so important in national elections, but also at the local congressional district levels, because that’s what House congressmen and women represent.  It may be OK for Trump to hold a rally and fire up a constituency that consists primarily of his base, and these rallies are exciting, but they really do not specifically reach the undecided neutral voters that Nixon called part of the “silent majority”.

Trump is not really a politician, and often tweets or says things that seem offensive to some voters, particularly women and minorities.  His plain Bronx or Queens rhetoric normally means no offense, but that’s the way it comes across, particularly after being strained through the anti-Trump media mill.  He is learning, but he sometimes turns away voters that need to be won back by plain old local grass roots politicking.

So, we really need to work to elect republican senators and House members to more than a few seat majorities in both house of congress if we expect anything to get accomplished in Washington in 2020-2024.  All of this assumes that Trump wins another term against a very weak Joe Biden, and after his fairly well-received handling of the corona virus crisis.  That is not a given, because people are really pissed off at being furloughed or laid off from their jobs and being made to “shelter in place”, and the media’s “blame Trump” beat is ever present.  But working for a majority congress will also work toward the president’s reelection.

Ray Gruszecki
April 22, 2020

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