Friday, April 24, 2020

Still Divided During the Corona Virus Crisis

Still Divided During the Corona Virus Crisis

I understand that many left-wing democrats, and obviously left-wing news media, absolutely hate the “great orange monster” from New York.  After all, he really rained on their secular, identity politics, globalization, kill industry, parade, and he beat the pants-suit off of their 90% certain champion in 2016.  He is never to be forgiven for such an affront to the Acela, coastal and urban elites.  Multiple coups, legal or illegal, must be perpetrated against him until he is drummed out of office.

I also understand that he is not a nice guy.  I would not want to work for him.  He is arrogant, opinionated, impatient, bloviating, and has an overpowering “my way or the highway” personality as a boss.  He is a pragmatic businessman, and not a politician, and he makes short shrift of the bureaucratic niceties of slow-acting government.  His enemies, which are many, accuse him of megalomania and selfish egotism, and these seem to be manifestations of his showmanship, rather than debilitating defects of character.

And he could really give a damn less.  He came into the presidency promising changes to the country that he had developed during a long career in the crucible of New York and international real estate, and during his forays into Hollywood and public entertainment.  After being elected, he has done, or is doing, what he promised, another departure from typical politics.

I did not start out being a big fan of Donald Trump, but I did predict his success early on.  I was based and lived in the New York City area for over 20 years while Trump built his real estate “empire”.  I did not appreciate seeing “TRUMP” all over the city, but I also observed that he refused to fail.  He would declare bankruptcy, shake off the construction dust or the casino chips, reinvent himself in other ways, and continue on to another success.  It was this resilience that I thought would win him the presidency.  He was like the Eveready Bunny – he would just keep going and going and going.

I voted for Trump (consider the alternative), but I don’t support everything he does, for all the good that does me, or the millions that think like me,  Because Trump is Trump, and by God, if he wants to tweet inanities at 3 am, or argue tooth and nail with that blonde twenty-something reporter, or exaggerate something beyond reason, he will do so with no apology, because Trump is Trump, and, by golly, he ain’t changing.

What drives me to basically support Trump are not only the fact that he has mostly applied sound conservative (and libertarian) principles to domestic and foreign issues, and is stopping the left’s inexorable advance to an apologetic, secular, Godless, identity politics based society, but also the continuing, rank, unrelenting unfairness of the leftist forces massed against him.

One would think that with the attack on our whole country by the Chinese-sourced Covad-19 virus, all factions of our society would pull together in a common cause and stop the political bickering.  Not so.  Instead of backing the administration, the same leftist mob, (the only noun that fits), continues to sow division.  “It’s the Trumpvirus”.  First, it’s racist and xenophobic to close the border to Chinese travelers, then Trump didn’t act fast enough.  And on and on.

Setting politics aside for a moment, I, along with many like me, are rational, thinking, fair-minded people.  Even acknowledging the perceived character issues mentioned above, what has been done to Donald Trump from the moment he stepped on that elevator in 2015, is unconscionable.  The personal, ad hominem attacks against him and his family and members of his cabinet and administration, have oozed hatred and vituperation way beyond anything ever seen on the political scene.  As if personal attacks were not bad enough, the left-over administrative state from Obama’s government illegally perverted the FISA, Independent Council and whistle blower processes to attempt to remove the president by whatever means, foul or foul.  Only now, with the Barr and Durham investigations, are the extent of these illegal operations being revealed.

Other presidents have been disliked.  Two other arrogant New Yorkers, Teddy and Franklin, but these Roosevelts may have been disliked, but they were supported by the whole country in times of war or emergency.  A more recent example is Bush 43, well disliked by the same leftist elements and media as now, but remember the universal backing of the government after the towers fell, by all of the people.  Remember the American flags and patriotism?  Where is it now, democrats, New York Times, Washington Post, et al, during this pandemic crisis? 

So, don’t talk to me, or to millions of Americans about being MAGA bearing, bible and gun hugging, “deplorables”.  Those leftist inspired epithets are meaningless to those of us who are fair, and recognize the gross unfairness and hypocrisy of the leftists and the leftist media mob when we see it.  What we say to them - Shape up and be Americans, not members of the fictional, so-called “Resistance”, who are continuing to divide America.

Ray Gruszecki
April 24, 2020

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