Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Shame on the Media, Shame on American voters


Shame on the Media, Shame on American voters

For shame, you American voters. See what you have done. You have plunged the country into socialism and incipient communism, and are making America a second rate, subservient country again. Oh, not you one third of voters who have been indoctrinated into the altruistic aspects of socialism and communism by the schools and universities. There is no hope for you, because you believe in the almost Christ-like altruism of socialism, and have closed your eyes to the millions in totalitarian bondage, and the 120 million people killed by that virulent philosophy in the twentieth century. You hold your left-wing and socialist beliefs almost as a religion, resistant to logic and debate.

No, I target those Trump haters who swung the election to “Biden in the basement”, even forgetting the unconstitutional rule changes introduced in several key swing states. You listened to what the lying media told you, and that kindly, grandfatherly, Joe Biden would restore calm and normalcy in the country.

 They told you that President Trump is responsible for the corona virus, in spite of his efforts to contain it, and his “warp speed” management of vaccine development. That President Trump is a racist, ignoring the benefits that he effected for minorities and their positive response. That President Trump is xenophobic, for establishing borders and enforcing immigration laws. For insisting that the U.S. be treated equitably by China, the EU and other countries. By adhering to the science on the climate, rather than international politics. By ending our continuing involvement in foreign wars. And a plethora of other benefits to our country and our people, which have been largely neglected or contorted by a virulently negative media biased against him.

President Trump was not particularly a “nice guy”, or a “kindly grandfather”. He was a hard-nosed boss that got results, and was not concerned about his abrasive personality, or his “popularity” in the establishment. In my long career, I’ve worked for some bosses like him, and others, who were not only abrasive, but dishonest as well. Trump was a hard-driving boss, but he was honest. He told it like it was, many times to the consternation of his critics.

So now we reap the harvest that the biased and dishonest media has sown. The torrent of Biden’s leftist executive orders has one common theme, - hatred of President Trump, and undoing of everything that he had accomplished.  Joe Biden sits there signing executive orders, mumbling into his Covid mask, not even knowing what it is that he is signing. The EO’s are pre-printed for him, and he is the empty vessel affixing a signature. Any comments that he may have are literally mumbled from a teleprompter, or from the cue cards which are evident in front of him.

 This is not meant to demean Biden’s deficiencies. His propensity to stutter comes from a congenital defect that he has largely overcome, and we cannot knock him for that. Similarly, his flashes of incipient senility are not to be ridiculed. We older folks have numerous friends who have been lost to dementia and Alzheimer’s, and we, ourselves sometimes have difficulty remembering “that movie” or “that actor”, but we are not leaders of the free world. On the other hand, we can’t entirely neglect Biden’s deficiencies, either. An absent-minded grandfather figure who has difficulties with “thousands” and “millions”, and such, does not project very well when “good old kindly Joe” has to deal with Xi, or Putin, or Erdogan on the international stage.

 The sighs of relief that “the nasty orange monster is gone”, will soon turn to chagrin as we lose thousands of jobs to China and other countries, lose our energy independence, and labor under the burden of left-wing taxation to support poorly run democrat cities and states. Our taxes will also support Planned Parenthood, killing more babies and selling their parts for research.

 We will all be classified in our “buckets”, per identity politics, to determine whether we should be rewarded for perceived past “ills”, or punished for past or present “privileges”. Our history will be modified to reflect the views of the New York Times “1619 Project”, which proposes that the history of our country begin in 1619, when the first slaves were brought to our shores, rather than 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Per the “woke” rules, we will not all be equal, we will all be the same, including males, females and gender variations. Female sports will be open to anyone “identifying as “female, including muscular physical males.”

 The new Biden administration seems fueled by hatred for anything that Trump has touched in the previous four years. Their avowed goal seems to be to undo everything, good or bad, that the previous Trump administration has done. Here is a partial list, some of which can be accomplished by executive orders, some with considerably more difficulty in a nearly tied congress.

1.) We are a systemic racist country that owes our origins to 1619, when the first African slaves arrived, not 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. We need to address systemic racism as a societal priority.

 2.) We should continue to disarm our police departments, and rely more on psychological and psychiatric interactions in civil and criminal disturbances, particularly those involving our black or brown citizens. The police are racist, and shouldn’t have guns.

 3.) We should register all firearms, with a view toward eventually banning them. There is no need for an armed populace in our modern, "woke", democratic society.

4.) We should all be classified by group, for assigning rewards or condemnation, per Identity politics. Order of preference should be race, ethnicity, sexual orientation/preference, gender.

5.) Use of “cancel culture”, “doxing” and other forms of social ostracism should not be discouraged, since these practices tend to bring recalcitrant individuals back into line with acceptable thought and opinion, i.e., back to “our truth”.

 6.) Adherents of opposition politics, such as followers of Donald Trump, should be “re-educated” to bring them in line with acceptable political thought.

 t.) Wealthy people and companies should “pay their fair share” of taxes, forgetting that they already have “paid their fair share”, and are using their wealth to grow the economy and create employment.

8.) The Keystone Pipeline should be shut down and “fracking” curtailed for environmental reasons. The effect on energy independence is secondary.

9.) We should reverse Trump’s tax decreases and increase taxes as necessary to pay for the recommended social programs. These programs should start with a 2 trillion-dollar relief package which would include another $1400 payment to all Americans and support for foundering democratic-run cities.

10.) We should enfranchise all inhabitants of the country as U.S. citizens, no matter how they arrived here. We should make our borders accessible to all comers, and welcome them to U.S. citizenship quickly and expeditiously.

 11.) We should immediately rejoin the “Paris Climate Accords”, and our country, along with other wealthy western countries, should join to ban fossil fuels, nuclear energy and other “polluting” power sources, and concentrate on renewable “green” energy, (wind, sun, tides, etc.). Participation by other “developing” countries, such as China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia would not be mandatory, since they are considered poor and “developing”.

 12.) We should export our “democratic” form of government to “hot spots” around the world, and enforce this “democracy” militarily, if necessary.

 13.) We should rely on non-proliferation treaties, with appropriate monetary incentives, to curb the international spread of nuclear weapons.

 Just for grins, we should record some indicators of where we were on inauguration day, 2021.

No wars in four years
Relative job security
Unemployment 6.7 % (with Covid, - was 3.5% before the pandemic)
Oil independence and exporting energy
GDP (2017 CIA) $19.5 Trillion, $59,400 per capita
Gas, about $2.00 per gallon (Texas)
Dow above 31,000

Ray Gruszecki
January 26, 2021

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