Saturday, March 6, 2021

This is What You “Voted” For


This is What You “Voted” For

 Did you American voters not see this coming?  Are you that dense, that you did not see through the media’s withholding and manipulation of the truth to favor Joe Biden, sitting in his basement, and to excoriate “the big orange monster” for his abrasive personality, and in spite of the good that he was doing for America?  Can you not now see the media fawning on the left-wing retreads, in spite of their obvious headlong rush to destroy and dismantle our American culture?

 Well, you got what you voted for, - a senile, inept Joe Biden, never the sharpest knife in the drawer, but now a burned out, dishonest, hack of a politician, who has been steered into socialism and border line communism by his alt-left handlers. This “leader of the free world” refuses (or cannot) answer questions, and has not held a press conference since his inauguration.  Even when reading from the teleprompter or his cue cards, he mumbles, fumbles, has difficulty with full sentences, and has real issues with numbers.

 His primary activity, other than naps and early nightly retirement, seems to be passively signing the 60 or so executive orders prepared for him, while mumbling into his virtue signaling mask and referring to his cue cards.  Meanwhile, the left-wing vice president from California, with virtually no foreign policy experience commiserates with foreign heads of state.

 The reigning leftists and their media allies are ruining America, in so many ways, in their vengeful dismantling of everything positive that President Trump accomplished.  They have opened up our borders, not only to millions of potential future democrats that will turn border states blue and keep them in power forever, but also to active Covid carriers, and unvetted criminals.

 In their hysteria and paranoia after the criminal, (but unarmed) right wing attack on the capitol building on January 6, they have made Washington, DC, an armed camp, with thousands of troops and razor-wire fences, that prevent citizens’ access to their government, and are reminiscent of East Berlin during the heyday of East German communism.  I know.  I was there in 1962 and saw with my own eyes.

 The rhetoric of the “newspeak” and ‘doublespeak” of the leftists and their media propagandists is appalling, as is their unending hypocrisy.  The same leftist cabal tried to vituperate and ruin Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his family with unproven and slanderous accusations from his college days.  Where are these same accusers when it comes to Joe Biden himself, Hunter Biden, Andrew Cuomo and other wayward democrats?  Strangely missing, or covered over with “newspeak”.  The dishonesty and hypocrisy just shouts from the rooftops!

 And the increasingly ridiculous “identity politics” and “cancel culture”, which would be laughable it they were not so sad, insidious and dangerous to our history and culture.  Aunt Jemima? Uncle Ben? Mr. Potato Head? Dr. Seuss?  C’mon, you left wing, anti-American, cultural extremists, you’ve got to be kidding.

Ray Gruszecki
March 6, 2021

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