Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Hope for Afghanistan Hostages and the U.S. State Department


Hope for Afghanistan Hostages and the U.S. State Department

 I have lived and travelled overseas more than most.

 I have never had much faith or trust in our American State Department, embassies or consular service.  I have even less trust now that it’s run by Antony Blinken, one of Joe Biden’s lackeys.

 Now, even more than in the past, the watchword has been, ‘if you’re an American in a foreign country, and need help, see the Canadians or Aussies or Brits.  The U.S. embassy will more than likely mess you up.

 Remember, the U.S. State Department are the people that gave us 52 hostages in Iran for over a year.  Six Americans got out with Canadian help.

 From personal experience, these are the same people that pasted signs to “keep out”, with American flags and warnings on the apartments of Americans in Beirut after the Six Day War in 1967.  They also tried to confiscate the American passports of anyone who had business at the embassy.  This is the same embassy that got blown up in 1983 because of inadequate security.

 These are a couple of examples of U.S. State Department ineptitudes.  History is replete with many others.

 There have been reports of Green Beret, Seal Team Six and other highly trained U.S. veteran groups organizing evacuation of Americans and Afghan allies, on their own.  Imagine groups knowledgeable with the area and local customs, loaded with “baksheesh” for appropriate “greasing of the skids”, cutting through all of the Taliban and State Department bureaucratic nonsense, and just getting people out.  In the meantime, ”official” planes stand on the tarmac, unable to fly out.

 It also occurs that if a controversial figure like Glenn Beck can arrange to evacuate upwards of 1000 people out of Afghanistan, where are tech deep pocket multi-billionaires, like Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Elon Musk?  It seems that a few million dollars from these sources, coupled with military contractor/mercenary skills would yield substantial results in getting our people out of Afghanistan.


  Ray Gruszecki
September 7, 2021

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