Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Not $80 Billion


Not $80 Billion

 Apparently the $80 billion plus figure for American military equipment reportedly seized by the Taliban is too high.  According to the Associated Press fact checkers, “While the U.S. spent $83 billion to develop and sustain Afghan security forces since 2001, most of it did not go toward equipment. Nor will the Taliban be able to use every piece of American gear that was supplied to Afghanistan over two decades.”  Also, from the AP, “Though no one knows the exact value of the U.S.-supplied Afghan equipment the Taliban have secured, defense officials have confirmed it is significant.”

 Is ”significant”, $1 billion?  $10 billion? $20 billion?  When we start talking billions, I think we can say that the Taliban has acquired a sh--t load lot of modern American military equipment, stupidly left behind by Biden and his handlers, along with hundreds of Americans, and thousands of Afghan allies.

 Biden and the left are trying to put lipstick on a massive, stinking swine, by conflating the great job done by our military in evacuating 120,000 people out of Afghanistan, with the stupidity and incompetence that caused such a dangerous situation in the first place.  Thirteen American soldiers, and a hundred civilians died during the evacuation, and their blood, and the blood of many others stranded in Afghanistan is on Biden’s and his handler’s hands.

 This ranks as probably the worst foreign policy disaster in American history.  No amount of “lipstick on the pig” or lies, or spin is going to change that.  The sheep that mindlessly follow the feckless Biden may bleat baa---aa to his deceitful propaganda, but they can’t change what it is – a colossal Biden f---k-up.

 Ray Gruszecki
September 1, 2021

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