Monday, September 20, 2021

Our Sad News Media


Our Sad News Media

 If it were not for the old Aussie’s Fox News and the New York and Connecticut brahmin’s National Review, (and few other conservative/libertarian outlets), that report actual news, we would never know what’s really happening in our country.

 The left-wing propaganda-laden mainstream media, either does mot report what’s happening, or distorts it, so as to be unrecognizable.  Recent examples are withholding and obfuscating news concerning Hunter Biden’s incriminating laptop, and the withholding news of vaccine success to affect the 2020 election, and the scant mention of the current border situation where additional undocumented aliens under Biden, will approach 2 million in 2021, and who are inundating Del Rio, Texas with 10-12,000 people each day.

 ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo, only report news that is favorable to the Biden cabal, just as they only carried news detrimental to President Trump, when he was in office.  Just do a spot check and compare their coverage to that of Fox, National Review, the Wall street Journal and the NY Post any given day to see how deep the propaganda of the left omits or distorts the news.

 Biden’s catastrophic retreat and surrender in Afghanistan?  Maybe it was there on page 24 for a day or so, - Then , poof! – replaced with some Biden human interest story.

 This is a sad pass for our vaunted “free press”, and is not at all acknowledged by the left-wing media, who give themselves Pulitzer prizes for discredited news about President Trump’s collusion with Russia.  If called on their dishonesty, there are cries of “right-winger” and “insurrectionist”, or worse.  The leftist media are so engrossed in their own dishonest propaganda, that they don’t even know how missing or twisted or dishonest is the news they feed like pablum to the masses.

  As I say, if it were not for a few genuine news outlets that are not part of the propaganda filled mainstream media, we would never know what’s really going on in the world.

 Ray Gruszecki
September 20, 2021

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