Wednesday, December 8, 2021

China and the Covid Pandemic


China and the Covid Pandemic

 Current thinking, not colored by Biden/Fauci politics, is that the Covid-19 Corona virus escaped from a Wuhan, China laboratory that was conducting “gain of function” experimentation to weaponize the virus. 

 The communist party of China brutally suppressed the spread of the virus within China by literally exterminating some of its population, while allowing the virus to escape China via travelers to foreign countries, primarily, Italy at first.

 I’ve been tracking U.S. and world statistics on the Covid-19 pandemic as reported by World-o-meter, and the New York Times.  I also check the CIA World Fact Book, occasionally, to see how countries are doing economically.

 Several points are apparent. 

 Current Covid cases shown by World-o-meter are - world, 268 million; U.S., 50 million: China, less than 100 thousand

 Current deaths shown are – world, 5.3 million, U.S., 812 thousand, China, less than 10 thousand.

 Obviously, the China numbers are bogus, as is the news, or lack thereof, from China.

 Now the economics:

 China’s real GDP has grown by over 6% for the last three years available in the CIA World Factbook.  U.S. and EU real GDP have grown just over 2% in the same time frame.  China’s economic gain on the rest of the world during the Covid pandemic, has been spectacular.

 And the CCP of China smugly sits there, expanding militarily, persecuting its minorities and eying Taiwan with a goal of absorbing it.

 One has to ask, was the release on the world of the Covid virus planned by the CCP?  They certainly gained strategically on the rest of the world as a result of the pandemic, and they have not been taken to task by the UN, or any other world body.  And now, with a weak, bumbling excuse for a U.S. president, (and his rock and roll secretary of state), China’s path to World hegemony seems even easier.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 8, 2021

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