Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Executive Orders and the “Ministry of Truth”


Executive Orders and the “Ministry of Truth”

 Remember the pile of executive orders Joe Biden signed the first days that he was in office?  These executive orders vindictively reversed nearly every positive feature of government that former President Trump’s administration had instituted for the country.

 Gone, in several swipes of the pen, and without the weight of actual law by the legislature, was our southern border, our energy independence, our gender identity, our foreign integrity, our law and order, and our economic stability.

 Biden, however, did not reverse the vaccines that Trump had organized.  Biden claimed the vaccines as his own, and tried to administer them like a petty dictator.

 And now, as many people are beginning to realize the extent of the socialist dystopia foisted on the country by Biden and his handlers, who are these perpetrators of the dystopia blaming?  Why. Trump, of course, or the stores being robbed, or the police that they defunded, or anyone else other than themselves, who perpetrated these societal predations on the country.

 And it would be only human to have sympathy for poor old, bumbling Joe Biden, were it not for the same abiding arrogance that he has displayed for all of the nearly 50 years of his public life.  Perhaps his handlers build him up and tell him what a great job he is doing in spite of the dystopia that the country actually experiences from his administration’s actions.

 Stealing from Orwell’s Newspeak and his Ministry of Truth, Biden, Psaki, Klain, Blinken, Kerry et al, will stand in front of the cameras and lie  “down is up”, “left is right”, “the economy is great”, “there is no border crisis”, ”spending another $3 trillion is good for inflation”, and on and on. “Listen to us, we know what’s best for you, don’t believe your own eyes”.

 Perhaps some of the liberals/socialists that “elected” Biden in the mail order election still are gullible enough to support this chicanery.  Many Americans are more honest than that, and are preparing to vote these leftist fools out of office.

 Ray Gruaszecki
December 15, 2021

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