Friday, December 31, 2021

Return to “Normal”


Return to “Normal”

 Do you think that we have had enough experimentation with Sanders/AOC/Biden style socialism?  It has effectively ruined the relatively stable country that President Trump left us, destroying the integrity of our borders, our energy independence, our economy, our law and order, our social and societal stability, our effectiveness to handle the Covid epidemic and our overall reputation in the world.  Do you think that we may be able to return to some semblance of a more rational governance in the future?  Without monarchic dicta and accusations, doxing and cancel culture?

 We seem poised for a “red tsunami”, or a republican sweep in the 2022 mid-term elections.  This will likely be true, if unscrupulous socialist operatives like AOC and Stacey Abrams don’t illegally interfere with state and local election laws and practices, as they did in the past.

 There will be some tendency from the right, I’m sure, to redress some of the abhorrent wrongs perpetrated by the socialists on President Trump, but republicans, for the most part are fair and honest people, and don’t view their politics in a religious fervor as many on the left do.

So, we hope a return to a reasonable and rational country, not one where aberrations and distortions are flaunted as the norm, and highlighted as part of “normal” life.

 The march toward unbridled socialism may be curtailed in 2022, but we will still have the most ineffective and inept president and vice president in recent history for another two years, with the rest of the world continuing to laugh at us.

 Will Trump return in 2024 at age 78?  He acts and carries himself as if he were 50, so age is probably not an issue.  How about Governor DeSantis of Florida, or Governor Abbott of Texas, or Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina?  There are indubitably, many other republican possibilities.

 Whatever happens, hopefully by 2024 we will be The United States of America again, and not some mewling socialist experiment destroying our heritage and traditions.

 Happy New Year, 2022, and good riddance, 2021!

 Ray Gruszecki
December 31, 2021

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