Friday, May 6, 2022

News Outlets


News Outlets

 If it were not for an irascible old Australian, Rupert Murdoch, and a patrician New York intellectual, William F. Buckley, and a few others, the real news happening out there would never have had a chance to be made available to the public.  Murdoch bought Twentieth Century Fox and the New York Post in the 1980’s, and founded Fox News in the 1990’s.  Buckley founded National Review in 1955, and nurtured it through its early years.

 Fox News, National Review, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal are called conservative or “right”.  Many honest and fair-minded consumers of news consider them as “true” or “real” news.  For example, they reported the real news about President Trump’s non-collusion with Russia, Hunter Biden’s laptop and Joe’s, the “big guy’s” involvement, and a plethora of other instances where these “conservative” outlets covered the real news, while most of the rest of the media carried left-wing democrat propaganda which either lied about the news or censored it.

 It is a shame in this country, that most consumers of news do not vet news sources, and just gullibly accept the left-wing propaganda offered by the majority of our media outlets.  A steady unfiltered diet of the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and CNN will surely make someone’s politics lean to the left and leave gaps in their awareness of the real news happening around them each day.

 Not to say that the opinion portions of Fox News, National Review, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal are not slanted toward the right, but all of the news is actually covered in the news sections of these media outlets, and not propagandized, or censored, or purposely omitted.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 7, 2022

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