Friday, May 6, 2022

They Got Away with It


They Got Away with It

 The leftist mob and their media and big tech collaborators got away with it.  They handed the presidency to a doddering, senile Joe Biden in 2020 by withholding and lying about news critical to the election.  A paltry 125,000 votes in four states would have given President Trump 51 electoral votes and the presidency if details contained in Hunter Biden’s laptop about Joe Biden’s “play-for-pay” crimes were not covered up from the electorate.

 Unethically and illegally giving Biden the presidency is the most egregious assault on our republic, because it has resulted in our living in Biden’s and minion’s distorted dystopia, with our country facing ruination, with Putin’s war on Ukraine and with the Chinese CCP greedily eying Taiwan.

 But that’s not the only thing that the leftist-Marxist mob have gotten away with.  They rampaged through the country systematically destroying or defacing reminders of our history and culture, and causing over two billion dollar’s-worth of damage in our cities.  The excuse given by the mob for this destruction was the killing of a petty criminal drug addict by a Minneapolis cop.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa, both avowed Marxist organizations that fomented the riots, were never prosecuted or brought to task.  The leftist mob got away with it.

 Elements of this same left-wing mob defunded our police and installed “woke” prosecutors in our major cities that let repeating criminals “walk”, resulting in our current high crimes rates.  They continue to intimidate by violence any elements of government or society with whom they disagree.  Who can forget the “hatchet job” perpetrated on Judge Kavanaugh during his SCOTUS confirmation hearings?

 And now they’re back again.  Since Americans have begun to see Biden and the democrats for the destructive leftists they really are, and their popularity, even in the left-wing propagandist media has slipped, they had to do something.  What better issue that abortion?  So, they stole and leaked a draft SCOTUS ruling which discusses overturning “Roe vs Wade” and “Planned Parenthood vs Casey”.

 No fires in the streets yet, or graffiti on the SCOTUS columns (a chain link fence was quickly erected around the SCOTUS building), but the leftist mob has already called the six potentially pro-life Justices “extremists”, and threatened them, their families and their homes.  And they are getting away with it, just like they got away with their other assaults on our laws and society.    

 Any honest, rational person who has some perspective of history can see that this country has two different levels of justice; - one for the left wing and their abuses, and another for the right.  Whatever leftist extremists perpetrate is met with “ho-hums”, and “just peaceful protests”, whether destroying $2 billion worth of property, including federal property by Marxists agitators in support of a criminal junkie, intimidation of legislators and judges, or assaults on America itself.

 But just let the right wing try similar protests and demonstrate in the streets.  Condemnation by the hypocritical left is swift and severe.  Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 and the march on the capitol on January 6, 2021 are examples of right\wing demonstrations that turned violent like many left-wing riots in 2020.  There is a democrat run, January 6th committee trying to prove sedition and insurrection against the participants in the march on the capitol. There was almost universal condemnation by the media of the right-wing violence, and almost no mention of the violence and abuses of BLM, Antifa and other Marxists in the continuous riots during the summer of 2020.

 Not to condone any violence, but the disparity of how the right and left are treated in this country is beyond any modicum of fairness.

 Another example is how President Trump and Joe Biden are treated.  Trump, for all his foibles and combativeness, straightened the country out, at least before Covid hit, and was poised to bring it back economically.  He was tormented mercilessly and wrongfully by the left and impeached twice for trivial causes, once, after he had already left office.

 Who would not be combative in such circumstances?  Biden, who has literally ruined this country economically and culturally, has been treated with kid gloves, like a kindly old grandfather.  Politics aside, any honest person has to acknowledge the inequities perpetrated on the American people by the unscrupulous, “woke” leftists.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 6, 2022

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