Friday, May 20, 2022

Propaganda and Lies


Propaganda and Lies

 How could rational, intelligent, thinking people not seen this coming?  How could we Americans become so blinded by propaganda, so as to accept not only an acknowledged political hack as president, but also a man who was clearly diminished in his mental capacity by age?

 The answer lies in our mainstream news media that have become a propaganda arm of the democrats.  They hid Biden in his Delaware basement and only let him out for scripted events.  They perverted and withheld truthful news, and basted him in sweet lies.  He was to be the great conciliator.  Instead he became the great Marxist disrupter of our society.

 President Trump was controversial and combative in nature, and couldn’t keep his mouth shut, or his thumbs off the “tweeter”, but who can blame him after the merciless tormenting and false charges levelled against him for five years?

 During Trump’s presidency, the country was proud to be American, and ran prosperously, at least before Covid.  He fast-tracked vaccines and was about to bring the country back economically, when the leftist forces arrayed against him finally skewed and withheld news that would have elected him.  The mainstream news media were the perpetrators, but the gullible American electorate was complicit in putting the incompetent Joe Biden into office.

 On another tack, how could we Americans, including many of our big corporations, be taken in by the Marxist charlatans of “Black Lives Matter”, to donate millions of dollars in the name of George Floyd, a murdered Minneapolis petty criminal and drug addict?  And then seeing BLM be the driving force behind $2 billion worth of destruction in our major cities during the summer of 2020, including the destruction of many of the icons of our culture and heritage.  On top of that, BLM then stole and absconded with millions of dollars of the of the donated money, only donating a small pittance to actual intended victims.

 Our gullibility and stupidity knows no bounds when it comes to the lies, propaganda and posturing of the unscrupulous leftists/Marxists.  We are now being lied to daily from Biden’s teleprompter, from Karine Jean-Pierre’s notes, from cabinet members, and from other democrat congresspersons.  And these are not just shadings of the truth.  They are literally, bold, in-your- face reversal of facts that can be checked online or with DVR recordings.  Just how dense and stupid do the democrats think we are?

 It’s beyond arguing political differences.  It’s beyond saying “we told you so”, or “no more pithy tweets”.  The democrats and their leftist allies have gone a long way toward ruining this country, and setting it on the path of another ruined wealthy democracy, Venezuela, once the wealthiest country in South America, and now, another failed state. 

 There is nothing that this Biden administration seems to be able to do to prevent the same fate for the U.S.  The midterm elections in 2022 may get the democrats out of congress, but they can’t get Biden out, or Harris, or, heaven forbid, Pelosi, inheriting the executive.  We have to wait for the 2024 elections, with two years of a stagnant or non-government.

 There is absolutely nothing that this Biden Marxist excuse for a government has done right.  Yet Joe and his minions will go in front of the country and pat themselves on the back for the great job they’re doing, and stubbornly insist that they are right.  Apparently, they have not bought groceries or gasoline recently.

 And 30-40% in the country approve of the job that Joe Biden and the democrats are doing.  Who are these people still showing approval?  Apparently, they are democrats, socialists, Marxists and other leftists that will never question the democrat party, no matter how badly the country (or their city) is doing under democrat rule. 

 Left-wing politics is their mantle from birth, or from the left-wing educational system, and will never change.  Logic is wasted, political science is wasted, emotion is wasted.  These people can be starving or destitute from Marxist policies, and they will try to find a way to blame Trump, or if not Trump, the closest republican.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 20, 2022

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