Friday, May 13, 2022

Up is Down, Down is Up


Up is Down, Down is Up


Up is down.  Down is up.  The sky is green.  The grass is blue.  Joe Biden is a moderate.  There were no vaccines available when Joe Biden took office.  The leftist dems are for law and order.  These are the sort of lies that we now hear every day from Joe Biden and his administration.

 Joe Biden’s handlers dress him in $2000 suits, cut his hair to hide his bald spot, and rehearse him to read the prepared lies from the teleprompter.  Joe, then, hardly aware of what he is reading, stands there, and lies and lies, and lies to our faces.

 Now, all politicians will slant the truth to make themselves look good.  But this group of left-wing politicians will lie to the country about actual observable or recorded facts.  We can reverse our DVR’s, and many times, see for ourselves.

 And, man, oh man, do they lie when it comes to taking responsibility for any one of myriads of societal issues that they have caused.  Their favorite deflection is still to President Trump even though he has been out of the loop for nearly a year and a half.  If not Trump, then “Ultra MAGA republicans”, whatever those are.  Or an excuse blaming anyone but themselves for the high inflation, lawlessness and open border of “Biden’s Dystopia”.

 People are pissed off.  You don’t mess with peoples’ kids, their pocketbooks or their freedoms, and these democrat-socialists have messed with all three.  Even the left-wing media collaborators are becoming increasingly critical of the “woke” and “cancelling” crowd in Washington.  The democrats, (most of them), that have affiliated themselves with the far left “squad”, and the like, are now scurrying to salvage something before the mid-terms.  So, the lies abound, but hopefully, Americans are not gullible enough or stupid enough not to see through the deceptions.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 13, 2022

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