Friday, July 22, 2022

Decline of Our Democracy

                             Decline of Our Democracy

 We could be living in communist Russia in the 1950’s.

 Marxism and Marxist principles have increasingly supplanted those of the enlightenment instituted by our founding fathers. The Constitution is used as a living document” and calls to “take to the streets” are heard when the judiciary refers back to it, as in the case of abortion and gun rights.

 Our press and media predominantly reflect the slanted propaganda of the current federal government, and not the truth. The constant drumbeat has convinced the uninitiated public that up is down, black is white, Donald Trump is a racist, and that trillions of dollars more spending is the way to curb inflation. 9% inflation, $5.00 gasoline and a president that cannot get anything right is finally starting to get through to much of the American public.

 Party leaders and backers are immune to the law, racking up massive fortunes by using privileged government information for financial gains. Election aberrations and other illicit activities by those in government or close to it, are “swept under the rug”, never to see the light of day.

 Party hacks caught breaking the law are treated with kid gloves and released without penalty, while party opponents are shackled and thrown into the meanest of lockups.

 Historically, world empires last for somewhere around 200-300 years. Outliers are the Roman Empire, 500 years, Ottoman Empire, 600+ years and the Han Dynasty, 400+ years. The United States is 246 years old as this is written, and for all intents and purposes, appears to be dying.

 All semblance of the common sense that is necessary for an effective and efficacious government has ended or is being eroded. Criminal rights have become more important than the law. Elevation of the rights of miniscule fringe groups have become more important than the rights of the majority of citizens. The southern border is not observed, and millions of unvetted aliens pour into the country, including fentanyl, sex traffic and terrorists.

 Our major party-run cities are garbage pits of drugs, crime and anarchy. DA’s and judges funded by Marxists like George Soros practice “catch and release”, perpetuating continuing crime and homelessness.

 Unfortunately, there is little hope unless we turn things around not only in Washington, but also at the local level. We can have a strong, well-run, patriotic federal government in Washington DC, but if we still have Soros-funded mayors and other functionaries at the local level, our cities will never escape their present dire circumstances.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 22, 2022


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