Monday, July 11, 2022

Short History of the Recent Rise and Fall of the U.S.


Short History of the Recent Rise and Fall of the U.S.

 My career job was in the international oil industry with Caltex Petroleum which was headquartered in midtown Manhattan until 1982, Dallas until 1999, when they moved to Singapore.  I retired from Caltex in 1988 in Dallas, before they became part of Chevron.  Officially, I am a Chevron retiree, although I worked for myself and for JP Morgan Chase in Dallas until 2008.

 During the periods that I lived and worked in New York City I was not a big fan of Donald Trump.  I was peripherally aware of his flamboyant life style, his marriages and his reality shows.  I was more aware of the Trump name plastered all over my city.  Also, I believe that Trump was a democrat or a political mongrel at the time.  He made the front pages of the New York tabloids occasionally, so I couldn’t avoid knowing something about him, but I really had no further interest back then, prior to his presidential run.

 My interest picked up when Trump announced his underdog candidacy for president on that escalator in 2015.  He talked like a libertarian/conservative and opposed Hillary’s canned tax and spend democrat party politics.  He was outspoken and “in your face” during the campaign reflecting his rough and tumble Bronx, Queens and Manhattan real estate business background.  He told it like it was.  He did not pull any punches.  He sometimes overdid it and pissed people off.  It was Trump being Trump.

 Against all odds, Trump won the presidency! He was not a politician.  He was a business executive and reality TV host.  What did he know about running a country?  So, it took him a while to stabilize.  (Some say he never did stabilize, but that’s another story).

 Trump was hounded mercilessly from the first moments on that escalator in 2015, by the Marxist oriented leftist opposition and their mainstream media collaborators.  And not being one to take any crap from anyone, he gave back as good as he got, exacerbating the ongoing disputes with his enemies, who impeached him twice for imputed infractions that the democrats flaunt regularly with impunity.

 For all of his foibles, tweets and sometimes preposterous statements, the country’s economy thrived, a southern border was being stabilized, as was law and order, and a sense of pride and patriotism pervaded most of the country, at least away from the left-wing coastal cities and hotspots that continued to berate Trump, good economy and patriotism notwithstanding.

 In foreign policy, Trump projected strength and managed to keep enemies at bay, while convincing friends to contribute their share for their defense.  The Abrahamic accords stabilized the Middle East for the first time in decades.  North Korea stopped shooting rockets over Japan.  China and Russia acknowledged U.S. strength and stayed relatively quiet. 

 Life was good, except for the drum beat of constant anti-Trump media propaganda that painted him as racist, xenophobic and the greatest villain of all time.  Some gullible Americans swallowed the kool-aid.  Many other Americans enjoyed the prosperous times that Trump’s business-like policies were bringing to the country.  We were energy-independent.  We had a relatively stable southern border, We had low crime rates.  We were proud to be Americans.

 Then came the 2018 mid-terms, which flipped the house and resulted in Trump’s arch enemy, Nancy Pelosi being made speaker and managing the first impeachment of Trump in 2019 over a phone call with Zelenskyy of Ukraine.  Trump was not convicted of the ridiculous house impeachment charge and it sort of “rolled off his back”.

 This was soon followed by the Covid-19 Corona virus pandemic which first hit in early 2020.  With no precedents, and acting upon the medical and scientific advice of the experts in CDC, FDA and NIH, Trump seemingly had no recourse but to lock down the country into quarantine.  This may have saved lives, as it was hoped, but it also sent the country into economic recession. Trump fumbled at first with the disparate advice that he was getting.  However, he immediately started big pharma working on vaccines, which they accomplished at Trump’s prodding in an unheard of nine months.

 People dying from the pandemic was laid on Trump by the ever antagonistic and false mainstream media.  “It’s all Trump’s fault” was the continuing mantra of big media, big tech and big entertainment. These groups all worked to ensure that “the fix was in” for the 2020 elections, to guarantee that Trump would not win the presidency again.

 The democrats chose Joe Biden, a senile empty vessel and party hack to run for president, and painted him as a moderate “uncle Joe”, and as a contrast to the flamboyant Trump.  Then they twisted the voting rules in the swing states using Covid as an excuse, and withheld news that would have exposed the Biden crime family prior to the election and ensured a Trump win. 

 After five years of trying, two impeachments, a fake Russia collusion hoax, the leftists finally got him, and installed the absolutely worst president since James Buchanan.  Jimmy Carter was an awful president, but Jimmy Carter was a nice guy.  There is nothing nice about Biden.  He is an arrogant, egotistical, incompetent hack, who started ruining the country his first day in office, and has never stopped ruining the country.

 After buying, perverting and fixing the election, Trump’s avowed enemies, led again by arch-enemy Nancy Pelosi, impeached Trump a second time for a speech on January 6 at the ellipse, after he protested the aberrations and illegalities during the election, and in fact after he had left office.  Again, he was acquitted in the senate.

 In addition, these same leftist forces formed a “kangaroo court”, a partisan committee comprised of Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked minions to further politicize the January 6 demonstrations at the capitol, complete with professionally produced multi-media presentations,with no adversarial testimony permitted.  Forgotten in these one-sided actions against Trump, were Trump’s reported requests for National Guard troops to ensure a peaceful demonstration, and his appeals to “march peacefully to the capitol”.

 To any fair-minded person, what was done by the democrats to Donald Trump as president of this country is truly unconscionable.  They have made him into some caricature of a racist, xenophobic bully, which with all his foibles, he does not deserve.  But unfortunately with the constant propaganda barrage against him, and with his combative ripostes, half the country believes the lies.

 That’s not to say that President Trump was some paragon of virtue and good behavior.  He stirred the pot with his controversial, provocative midnight tweets and off the cuff pronouncements. He would have been better off if he had kept his mouth shut a little more, and had been more discreet in his pronouncements.  He was too egotistical and narcissistic for that.

 But for a non-politician, Trump did remarkable things for this country before the Corona Virus required locking it down.  He certainly was not perfect during the Covid crisis, but did OK once he “got his feet”.  He was bringing the country out of the Covid recession when Joe Biden and the extreme left-wing cheated their way to the presidency and began their Marxist inspired ruination of the country.

 Pity our poor country and the economic and social woes foisted upon it by a buffoon of a president, and his equally incompetent and irresponsible handlers and advisors.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 11, 2022

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