Monday, July 18, 2022

Delco Lighting Generator

 Delco Lighting Generator

 When I was a little kid growing up in the Berkshires during the Second World War, we had no electrical power from the grid until about 1946 after the war ended. For part of this time we used kerosene lamps for light, and I can remember doing my homework by kerosene lamp light when I first started elementary school.

 Sometime roundabout 1943 or so, my father installed a gasoline driven, 32-volt DC, Delco generator to provide light and minimal electrical power. I recently found a link describing the type of unit we had. I can still remember the tremendous noise it made when it was run to charge the batteries. It scared the bejesus out of my mother.

 My father built our house in Savoy, Massachusetts in 1939-40 with the help of trade aware friends, and they wired the house for electricity, when it became available.

 The house and land now belong to my nephew Jeff and his family who have modernized the house and brought it up to modern standards.

 Ray Gruszecki
July 18, 2022



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