Saturday, December 31, 2022

Grossly Unfair


Grossly Unfair

 Is he controversial?  Does he have a big mouth?  Does he say weird things at times?  Does he have multiple offspring from multiple relationships?  Yes, all of that, and more.

 Elon Musk, free speech warrior?  No Donald Trump, the most persecuted president in American history, whose political, mainstream media and big tech opponents have smeared him beyond belief.  In addition to “fixing” the 2020 presidential election against him in favor of Joe Biden, the most inept president since James Buchanan, the DOJ/FBI broke into Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, and now the democrat led House Ways and Means Committee has ostensibly illegally leaked six years of Trump’s tax returns.  This latter is normally a felony, - but not to the current corrupt regime.

 These are just the latest grossly unfair actions against President Trump undertaken by his “woke”, “politically correct” leftist enemies.  The worst, of course was the “bought for”, covered over news and “fixed” 2020 election.  And then the “kangaroo” January 6th committee persecuting demonstrators against “the fix”, while conveniently dismissing the summer of 2020 “reign of terror in our streets by leftist Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

 Have the billions of dollars and massive leftist persecutions done their job in smearing Trump beyond recovery?  It seems that even his most visible backers have turned against him, as have those susceptible to the media and educational propaganda of the left wing.  But there still remains the same populist “silent American” groundswell across the country that cannot abide the rank destructiveness and unfairness they see perpetrated by the grossly incompetent Biden administration, and who remember better times under Trump.

 Honest recollections include 2% inflation, $2 per gallon gasoline, energy independence, a growing economy, low crime rates, a stable and real southern border, a peaceful Ukraine, a stable Korean Peninsula and Taiwan, the Abrahamic Accords, Covid vaccines within nine months and Covid being realistically controlled, and many other aspects of a prosperous and stable life interrupted by Covid, but coming back. 

 Honest thinkers cannot forget that a grossly incompetent leftist administration made short work of destroying everything positive from the Trump administration and replacing it with their sophomoric “woke”, “politically correct” dogma.

 Trump is a fighter, sometimes to his own detriment.  Will he overcome all of the persecutions that have been mounted against him, and prevail?  Or will he lead to the split of the republicans and the hegemony of the next incarnation of extremist democrats and their “political correctness”?  The 2022 mid-terms have shown January 6th and pro-abortion left-wing propaganda to be very effective with the gullible electorate, who apparently have no issue with 9 % inflation, $5-6 gasoline, high crime rates and no borders, so only time will tell.

 Ray Gruszecki

December 31, 2022

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