Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Cities in Ruin

Cities in Ruin

 I have made a search to answer an important sociological and political question.  Why do most American cities keep electing democrats when their left-wing policies lead to urban decay, high crime and societal chaos?

 What I found is that most left-leaning commentators do not even acknowledge the above connection.  They cite the fact that city dwellers tend to be educated, diverse and progressive, and consequently automatically gravitate toward the democrats.  Which, of course, leads to the question, if city dwellers are that intellectually and culturally advanced, why can they not see the cause and effect connection of democrat policies, like “defund the police”, to crime and the deterioration of their cities?

 It is increasingly evident from my little survey, that the current democrat party is a perversion of the party of Jefferson, FDR, MLK, Truman, and other seminal democrats, and has become the party of Soros, Trotsky and Marx.  It seems more intent on tearing down the pillars of our western heritage than properly governing the country.  Unfortunately, the extreme leftist democrat voters, (I call them MAWA, with the “W” for “Weak”), have been brain washed in our schools and universities, and voters are continually bombarded with left-wing propaganda by our biased media.

 And what are the pressure points at election time?  The democrats will seize upon an issue like abortion and distort it.  They have made abortion a “constitutional right for women’s health”, rather than acknowledging the aberration of the constitution that Roe vs Wade actually was.  They will make an unconstitutional promise of tuition reparation to con young voters.  They, and their media and big tech collaborators will hide and bury and disparage important news, like the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, to impact the election.  And on and on and on.

 So, its not only propaganda.  It’s also whatever dirty tricks this unscrupulous democrat party can scrape up.  There is literally nothing that they will stop at to win or steal an election.

And where are the republicans?  Why, talking up their disapproval and threatening dire action, but mostly talking.  They are the “nice guys”, you see.  They vocalize, but don’t seem to capitalize on anything. 

 Soros funded democrats keep getting elected to govern our cities.  Instead, they distort the laws and fire cops.  People like Alvin Bragg and Letitia James in New York, and newly elected far left mayor Brandon Johnson and Illinois State Attorney Kim Foxx in Chicago make a mockery of lawful government claiming “social justice” and “political correctness” while anarchy reigns in the streets.

 And the “educated, diverse, progressive and intellectual” urban voters elect and install the tools of their own demise.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 18, 2023

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