Saturday, April 15, 2023

State Secrets

 State Secrets

 After the blatant, duplicitous COA coverage of Biden’s deep state and their media lackeys, on the one hand, and the scathing right wing coverage by Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, on the other hand, I went out of my way to find reasonably balanced coverage of the recent intelligence leaks that exposed some of the truth of what’s happening with U.S. involvement in Ukraine.

 I found the USA Today coverage to be balanced, truthful, and pretty much apolitical.  The link below and sub-links within the article present a pretty accurate picture of the ramification of the leaks, and don’t only concentrate on Airman Jack Teixeira’s love of shooting guns, like some of the mainstream media does.

 What’s rocking the almost amateurish Biden administration and defense departments is the fact that in spite of the billions that we are dribbling into Ukraine, they seem to be losing the war to the Russians.  Just opposite of what the extant Biden propaganda would have us believe.  The other eye-opener is that in spite of the propaganda, there are U.S. troops on the ground in Ukraine involved in the war against a nuclear rattling Russia.

 Of course, we will never see any of this in our biased media.  What we will see is how the young airman’s braggadocio with the purloined secrets was really a dastardly criminal plot to steal state secrets, and God forbid, embarrass the doddering old fool, Joe Biden and his unspeakably incompetent minions.

 And, unfortunately, our young voters will watch ABC or CBS or NBC, and bleat baa__aa, and lap it up.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 13, 2023

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