Saturday, April 29, 2023

Electability of Trump in 2024

 Electability of Trump in 2024

 Andrew C. McCarthy is a contributor to National Review. He is a past Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.  He is an astute and well-regarded conservative political observer, commentator and author, who appears frequently on cable TV opinion programs, and whose articles appear in major publications. 

 Andy McCarthy has historically been a backer on President Trump, but has recently interjected some criticisms of Trump into his analyses. This article is a detailed look at the 2024 political scene, with the theme that “Trump cannot win in 2024”.

 Die -hard Trump backers will no doubt disparage this article, which is derogatory of Trump, and consider McCarthy a turncoat and a “rino”.  He pulls no punches about the future and what he deems the non-electability of Donald Trump in 2024.  He is also critical of Joe Biden and the democrats, and is certainly no friend of theirs, but he feels that Trump has run his course, and is saddled by too many legal and personality issues to be a successful candidate.  

 But where have we heard such sentiments before?  And does Andy give sufficient acknowledgement to Trump’s seemingly boundless resilience?  He expounds on it, but concludes that events have overtaken Trump’s populism and ability to influence a majority of voters.

 Trump has faced almost insurmountable difficulties as candidate and president, admittedly, some of his own making.  He has always bounced back and not only exuded enthusiasm to the country, but also instituted peace and prosperity (except for Covid), while he was in office.

 I would not rule Trump out, as Andy McCarthy seems to have done.  Only time (and being alert to the left’s dirty tricks), will tell.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 29, 2023

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