Wednesday, April 26, 2023

What is the Truth?

 What is the Truth?

 Is the truth what appears on ABC, CBS, NBC? CNN? MSNBC? The New York Times? The Washington Post? Or the myriad echoes of the biased left?  Or is the real truth from Fox News Corp, Newsmax? OAN? National Review? The Wall Street Journal?  The Victory Channel Christian “Flashpoint”?  Or, other right-oriented sources? 

 Does the truth emanate from the Department of Justice, or the FBI, or the alphabet soup of our government?  Congress? Special Investigations? Surely the truth comes from our court systems.  Fox News Corp and Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch are paying the Dominion election technocrats nearly a billion dollars for the “truth” about the 2020 election as defined by the courts.  Tucker Carlson is looking for a job because of his comments about this “truth”.

 So, the “truth” apparently is not a given as once taught to us by our preachers and teachers.  The “truth” is whatever can be propagandized or bought or vociferously claimed by ersatz “experts” chosen to push this “truth” to a brainwashed and gullible mostly young public.

 It is truly sad that what passes as “truth” in this country has led to two impeachments and a criminal indictment of a President of the country on specious grounds and the persecution of January 6, 2021 demonstrators on similar specious grounds, while the contents of a laptop that expose the Biden crime family’s graft for influence schemes were hidden from the voters prior to the 2020 election, and have remained buried by the corrupt “Justice” Department and FBI for several years.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 26, 2023

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