Sunday, May 7, 2023

Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence

 Remember Machiavelli-Wu, the fictionalized international planner deep in the bowels of Beijing Politburo’s Dirty Tricks Division, who thought up releasing a weaponized Covid virus on the West and Fentanyl “candy” on western kids?   Well, this hypothetical unscrupulous CCP planner now has increasingly intelligent artificial intelligence to play with, while the West calls a halt on AI development and wrings their hands in trepidation of the potential power of this technology.

 If they spoke for all of humanity, the cautionary advice by many of the world/s intellectuals about slowing down development of AI would make sense.  Like carbon emissions, it’s a hopeless cause unless all of the countries in the world participate.

 There are no doubts at all, that if the West hesitates on AI development, the Chinese communists, Russia and various other international bad actors will prepare an AI based military, including nuclear if they have it.

 Longer term, is the world astute enough to control potentially weaponized AI like our nuclear arsenals? Or is humanity immature and stupid enough to let AI possibly destroy us?

 Ray Gruszecki
May 6, 2023

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