Tuesday, May 2, 2023



 We, in Texas continue to see massive movements of illegal migrants without documents flood across our border.  Our Governor Abbott does what he can to report the numbers and stem the flow, but the bulk of the biased Biden-supporting media hardly reports the situation unless Abbott routes a busload of illegals to Martha’s Vineyard or New York City.  Hundreds of thousands more migrants are massing and waiting for Title 42 to lapse to illegally enter the U.S.

 I did not know the extent to which this assault by illegal migrants on our southern border was organized.  Apparently, there is an international movement to flood undocumented people into our country.

 I did a little study prompted by an article by Jonas Vesterberg

who is the editor of The Florida Standard, a newspaper which is slanted to the right of the political spectrum.  Vesterberg is a reputable newsman who has over 20 years of media and publishing experience.

 The Darien Gap reference is the subject of a long New York Times article which dovetails with the Florida Standard article.

 The other link is to the IOM, the UN agency facilitating migration of displaced people, who apparently have a hand in the massive migration of peoples into the Southern U.S.

 When I first read the Florida Standard article, not being familiar with the publication, it smacked of another “conspiracy theory”, which have become extant recently.  But I vetted the publication and the author and did further researches to confirm the veracity of the article.  It is indeed true, that there is an organized movement to flood our country with undocumented aliens.  It’s not just unfortunate refugees from wars and persecution.  It includes terrorists with mal-intent, political operatives of many stripes and pure and simple criminals of all sorts.  And all with the tacit approval of the Biden-Mayorkas cabal that pretends to be a government.





 Ray Gruszecki
May 2, 2023

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