Monday, May 22, 2023

Commercial Television

 Commercial Television

 I do not watch commercials, or try not to watch them.  This works OK for my large main TV, which allows me to flip through commercials, sometimes with one click.

 I cannot avoid the commercials on cable TV (normally Bloomberg or Fox), that I have on as I’m showering and dressing in the morning.

 Also, I have a little TV on my kitchen table, which receives “over the air” network TV, and can work on batteries if the power goes out.  I watch this little TV, and the included network programs and, again, the unavoidable commercials as I have my coffee and breakfast in the morning.

 I am appalled at the quality of the commercials on both cable and network TV.  Much of network programming and commercials must cater to impressionable 12 year-olds with a sixth grade education.  Many of the commercials are truly inane.

 Also, sometimes, I cannot avoid “The View” on ABC, if I am running late of a morning.  I have to say that I have rarely experienced such vile, offensive and racist commentary and lies  concentrated in one TV show.  Nonetheless, “The View” draws loud applause from its live audience, and apparently is quite popular with followers.  It has been on forever, and gets continuing positive reviews, apparently from the leftist mob.

 Programs like “The View”, must go a long way toward explaining the continuing hatred and extreme bigotry of much of the country and the inveterate left-wing voters in our elections.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 22, 2023

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