Saturday, May 20, 2023

Propaganda in Our Lives

 Propaganda in Our Lives

 Josef Goebbels, one of Adolph Hitler’s closest acolytes, had a PhD in Philology from Heidelberg University, and was Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945.

 Before Goebbels and his wife Magda killed their six children and then themselves committed suicide in May of 1945, Goebbels would have been proud of the biased press and media in this country.  Goebbels could not have created such a one-sided, one-party media if he had tried.

 In the Germany of the 1930’s Goebbels emasculated respected newspapers such as ‘Frankfurter Zeitung’, and imposed pro-Nazi rags such as ‘Vőlkischer Beobachter’ and ‘Der Angriff’. 

 In this country, there is no “Ministry of Propaganda”, as such, in our government (yet), although Biden did try to institute a “Ministry of Truth”, or “Disinformation Governance Board” about a year ago.

 Our pro-left lies, propaganda and disinformation derives (unconstitutionally), from within the administrative government or deep state, and is proliferated voluntarily by the media, which is about 80% biased toward the left or democrat party.

 Thankfully there are still a few media outlets dedicated to the truth, but truth be told, some of these are found to run to the opposing right of politics and are biased the other way.

 A good idea is to vet sources, before accepting content as truth from them.  I always do this when researching and before commenting on line or otherwise.  “Media Bias / Fact Check” is an excellent media rating service.  “” is also reasonably unbiased.  Some of the others, like “Snopes” and “Politifact”, are slanted left.

 We are lied to constantly by our media, primarily by the left.  As a result, our country has developed a definite leftward slant.  What were once considered positive, progressive, social justice ideas, have become perverted by activist socialist extremists toward socialism and neo-communism.

 What this has resulted in most recently, (particularly in 2016 and 2020), is interference by our DOJ, FBI and probably CIA, in our presidential elections.  This has taken the forms of flat out and out lies and accusations such as “Russia Collusion” in 2016, and government, media and big tech disparagement and obfuscation of information that was important to the election in 2020 (the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop).

 The continuing media blank on exposure of these lies and abuses, and any attempts to bring them to light, highlights the mainstream media’s complicity in originating and perpetuating these lies and abuses.

 Guys like Elon Musk coming up with over 40 billion dollars to take control of Twitter in the name of free speech offers some hope.  The left is livid that a left-centrist like Musk would expose their cyber-based propaganda machinations in the name of a higher cause, and it must leave them speechless. 

 It is heartening to know that we still have some patriots left that are willing to do something about the dishonest rot threatening our country.  Twitter does not rule the country, but it has been the incubator for many of the biased and racist ideas pushed by the left.

 We Americans cannot just slide into apathy and let our country become another Venezuela.  We must be aware of how our government is being eroded, and we must do something about it at the ballot box.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 20, 2023

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