Saturday, March 27, 2021

Liar, Liar, and Getting Away With It.


Liar, Liar, and Getting Away With It.

 If Biden were just senile, inept, bumbling, stumbling and innocuous, it would be bad enough for our foreign antagonists to observe him on the world stage.  But it’s so much more than that.  Biden is an unprincipled plagiarist, bold-faced liar, and unabashed hater of libertarian/conservatives, and particularly an outright hater of anything positive that Donald Trump ever accomplished.

 The few times that Biden has managed speaking from the podium, he has read (poorly), from the teleprompters or crib notes with frequent silent gaps, not being able to hold a cohesive thought, or put two sentences together.

 And lie, lie, lie, taking credit for President Trump’s “warp speed” vaccine development and vaccination program, claiming that he had to start from scratch.  Claiming that Trump’s stable southern border was somehow wrong, and the masses of migrants flowing across Biden’s border, and the incarcerated children, similar to the original Obama/Biden policy originally was somehow better. 

 All politicians lie to some extent, but Biden’s blatant lie about Trump exiling children to the desert to starve and die are particularly egregious.  Are these Armenians in Turkey in 1915?  The hatred for Trump and dishonesty about him just seethes from Biden, and the biased, fawning media just ignore it and pats Biden gratuitously on the head.

 And the sheep who “elected” Biden baa__aa submissively, believe the media b.s., and give old Joe a 58% approval rating, presumably for his kindly smile and grandfatherly demeanor, and not for his fascist/socialist executive orders and outright lies, (and for not being that mean old orange monster, with the controversial tweets).  The baa__aa-ing may stop on the unemployment line standing next to a Central American migrant, with gasoline at $5.00 per gallon, and their daughters competing in sports with biological males.

 But, the democrats say, “things are great”.  We have $1.9 trillion, with a “T”, to spend, and maybe another $3 trillion for “infrastructure” coming.  Who is going to pay for these?  Why, we will with increased taxes, and the rest will be covered by some ephemeral Keynesian ghost of the future in the person of our grandchildren.

Ray Gruszecki
March 27, 2021

The 60 Vote Filibuster and Consequences


The 60 Vote Filibuster and Consequences

 All of the fears that rational conservative thinkers in this country have had about the alt-left democrats and their senile puppet president are proving to be true.  Whereas once, far out leftist dreams of eliminating the 60-vote filibuster so that the most egregious acts could be passed with a 51-vote majority were only wishful thinking, these dreams are now being considered as viable senate actions. 

 If the deliberative role of the senate is thus eliminated and it becomes just another majority mob, a plethora of left-wing extremist bills can follow, such as packing SCOTUS to 13 or 15 members, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico with 4 more democrat senators, legalizing identity politics and the bigotry embedded therein, legalizing the corrosive “cancel culture” afflicting our society, legalizing anti-American curricula such as critical race theory and the 1619 project, confiscatory firearms laws, and on and on and on, toward a fascist/socialist one-party government run by alt-left democrat extremists.

 Think all of this is too far out and in realm of conspiracy theory?  Well, apparently the whole senate democrat majority is moving in the direction of scuttling the long-standing senate tradition of the filibuster.  Reputable news reports indicate that the filibuster issue may swing on one or two democrat votes in the senate.  Can you imagine the pressure and the incentives being offered?

 Because once the filibuster is gone, the floodgates open, and every alt-left idea can relatively quickly become law.  At the moment, there are only slim democrat majorities in both legislative bodies, so one would hope that good judgement by some democrats would be exercised when considering some far-out ideas.  Unfortunately, their performance to date does not offer much hope of such good judgement.  The alt-left seems to be the rule thus far.

 One can only hope to slow the rush toward a one-party fascist/socialist government, and hope and pray that the electorate sees through the outright lies and duplicity of Biden and his handlers, and of Pelosi, Schumer, and the left-wing congress.  By 2022, in spite of the biased popular media, it should be apparent to enough voters just how badly Biden et al, are ruining the country.  Hopefully, they will swing the congress back toward the rational middle, and away from the left-wing extremists.

Ray Gruszecki
March 27, 2021

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Mass Killings


Mass Killings

 Mass killings by disturbed individuals are truly regrettable and inspire national outrage and sympathy.  Normally forgotten is that these killings are entirely anecdotal, normally do not have a racial component, and are not weapon-specific.  Most are shootings with firearms, but trucks and cars and knives and other means of killing have also been used.

 As in many such instances, the recent shootings in Georgia and Colorado have been perverted by the mostly clueless liberal democrats into race-based events, and they are again calling for additional gun laws and restrictions on the second amendment.

 One of the things being considered by the Biden administration is a re-enactment of the unsuccessful 1994, ten year “assault weapons” ban, forgetting that the term “assault weapon” is an artificial term relating to the appearance of certain rifles, and not to their capabilities.  An AR-15 “assault weapon” is a semi-automatic, one shot per one pull of the trigger, just like your granddaddy’s old hunting rifle.  The AR-15 (which refers to Armelite-15) just looks meaner.

 Identity politics dictates that it’s the color of the skin or the political orientation that determines the cause of any incident, and details must be tweaked to fit the appropriate narrative.

 The disturbed 21 year-old chap in Atlanta who shot 8 people, was apparently a twisted sex addict who targeted women sex workers.  This narrative was changed by the politically correct “woke” watchdogs to an anti-Asian racist theme, since many of the sex workers were of Asian origin.  The gun used was a plain old pistol, so the “assault weapon” aspect could not be brought into the racist fiction.

 The shooter of 10 people in Boulder, Colorado was born in Syria and came to the U.S. at three years old, so other than some possible original trauma in Syria at a very young age, the shooter was effectively American raised. There were indications of mental instability and a volatile temper, but apparently no racial or political aberrations.  Since the shooter used an AR-15 style weapon, Biden and his minions immediately raised the usual anti “assault weapon” cries, apparently again forgetting that these rifles are one shot after one trigger pull, notwithstanding their sometimes fearsome appearance.

 A favorite ploy of the leftist democrats is to take an unfortunate anecdotal event, like a mass shooting, milk it for every bit of emotional content, and use it as a basis for a debilitating executive order or legislative effort.  Our hearts also go out to the victims and their families of these tragic killings, as they do to victims of other disasters, but let’s retain the perspective of reality, rather than be ruled by the irrational emotion of the moment.

Ray Gruszecki
March 24, 2021

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Socialist Follies


Socialist Follies

 Any thoughtful American should really fear for this beautiful country of ours.  For the past roughly seventy years, our country has been heading in a leftward political direction, which is at the same time socialistic, hedonistic, anti-religion and against our founding values.  This drift was innocuous, but inexorable, at first, hatched in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, and forming slowly in our schools and universities, our media, our entertainment and our politics.  This left-wing movement tried to emerge during the Bill Clinton and Obama administrations, was suppressed somewhat by Presidents Bush 41 and 43 and Trump, and is in full and complete force under the current Biden extreme left puppet regime.

 The Media, big tech, Hollywood and academia love Biden’s alt-left socialism, and the gullible and easily swayed American public follows like sheep.  Biden, the plagiarist, is stealing credit for Trump’s Covid and vaccination programs, the media applaud, and the sheep acquiesce. 

 Biden’s “covid relief” of $1400 per person is viewed favorably by the media and their ovine followers, forgetting the source of the money.  Also forgotten is the multi-trillion (with a “T”), bail-outs of inept democrat governors and mayors, and the inexcusable “pork” in the “Rescue America” boondoggle.

 Nearly everything Biden has touched, with his 60-odd dictatorial executive orders, has been detrimental in some way, to our society, culture, foreign relations, pocket book and American way of life.  And the leftist media, big tech and entertainment world applauds Biden’s stupid moves - and the sheep ba__aa, and acquiesce.  The few that dare speak out against these socialist atrocities are “cancelled” by the “woke” power brokers.  Attempts are made to marginalize the critical media that persevere, with charges of “disinformation”, and “Russian misinformation”, with attempts to silence any opposition. A good example are the continuous onslaughts against Tucker Carlson and Hannity of Fox News

 Recent foreign policy examples: - Putin laughing at Biden and challenging him to a debate, after Biden stupidly, publicly called him a “killer”.  Tony Blinken’s apologetic tone to the Chinese communists, on U.S. soil, after their accusations of “racism” in the U.S. – a far cry from the CCP attitude toward genuine American leaders, President Trump and Secretary Pompeo.

 After two months of Biden, a massive humanitarian crisis at the southern border, many jobs lost, gas prices up $1.00/gal, energy independence waning away, back to foreign wars, our daughters competing against biological males, and the list goes on and on.

 And it is continuingly clear that Biden is mentally and even physically incapable of doing the job of President.  No compassionate American will knock him for stumbling on the airplane access stairs.  But Putin? Xi?, Kim Jong Un?, Erdogan?, other world leaders?  They see particularly the mental weakness, and they are not about to “cut him some slack”.  They will take advantage of Biden and his minions, particularly when presented with a failed rock star like Tony Blinken as Secretary of State, and other inept members of Biden’s rejiggered alt-left cabinet.

Ray Gruszecki
March 20, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Disgust !


Disgust !

 Disgust!  That’s my best word for the inept socialist, would be dictators in Washington.  They are literally ruining our country, our culture, our freedoms and our American traditions with each stroke of Biden’s dictatorial executive order pen. 

 I have to ask particularly all of the suburban women who were so wounded by President Trump’s abrasive personality, and who voted for Biden, are you now pleased that girl’s and women’s sports have been virtually eliminated by allowing biological males, “identifying” as females to compete with our daughters?  This particularly affects you suburban ladies that thought that Trump’s brusqueness was worse than his patriotism and pro-American values.

 Well, now we have an administration and a media which is demonstrably anti-American.  Oh, they use Orwellian “newspeak” to verbally distort what is actually happening, but 60-odd “executive orders” attacking the very fabric of our American way of life belies the facts.  Equating women and girls in sports with muscular biological males is just the tip of the iceberg.

 Biden’s handlers had him shutdown the facilities that made us energy independent.  Gasoline and energy prices have increased in Dallas from about $2.10/gal pre-Biden, to upwards of $2.90 /gal after 2 months of Biden.  We are again relying on the unstable Middle East for some of the energy we need, instead of crude oil and gas from our own sources and pipelines.

 Our borders are open to let virtually anyone into the country, provide them with amenities paid for by our tax dollars, and allow them to vote without an ID. Truly, are these democrats insane?

 The alt-left efforts are aimed at making our country a one-party state, and through identity politics and cancel culture, to suppress and punish any dissent from this one-party orientation.  The analogy and comparison to Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany a century ago cannot be denied.

 Literally everything the left-wing socialists touch in their vindictive rush to break everything that President Trump fixed, destroys another positive aspect of our economy, politics or culture.  Just wait, you erasers of Trump’s overly aggressive personality, as your jobs disappear, your taxes increase, your 401k’s erode away, and you’re cancelled by some twenty-something gender studies major.  Maybe then, there will be some appreciation for what we had, for all his peccadilloes.

 And there’s Biden’s pretentious speech tonight in which he tried to take credit for President Trump’s “warp speed” vaccine efforts, and lectured us as if we were small children about how to behave with respect to what remains of the pandemic.

Ray Gruszecki
March 11, 2021

Saturday, March 6, 2021

This is What You “Voted” For


This is What You “Voted” For

 Did you American voters not see this coming?  Are you that dense, that you did not see through the media’s withholding and manipulation of the truth to favor Joe Biden, sitting in his basement, and to excoriate “the big orange monster” for his abrasive personality, and in spite of the good that he was doing for America?  Can you not now see the media fawning on the left-wing retreads, in spite of their obvious headlong rush to destroy and dismantle our American culture?

 Well, you got what you voted for, - a senile, inept Joe Biden, never the sharpest knife in the drawer, but now a burned out, dishonest, hack of a politician, who has been steered into socialism and border line communism by his alt-left handlers. This “leader of the free world” refuses (or cannot) answer questions, and has not held a press conference since his inauguration.  Even when reading from the teleprompter or his cue cards, he mumbles, fumbles, has difficulty with full sentences, and has real issues with numbers.

 His primary activity, other than naps and early nightly retirement, seems to be passively signing the 60 or so executive orders prepared for him, while mumbling into his virtue signaling mask and referring to his cue cards.  Meanwhile, the left-wing vice president from California, with virtually no foreign policy experience commiserates with foreign heads of state.

 The reigning leftists and their media allies are ruining America, in so many ways, in their vengeful dismantling of everything positive that President Trump accomplished.  They have opened up our borders, not only to millions of potential future democrats that will turn border states blue and keep them in power forever, but also to active Covid carriers, and unvetted criminals.

 In their hysteria and paranoia after the criminal, (but unarmed) right wing attack on the capitol building on January 6, they have made Washington, DC, an armed camp, with thousands of troops and razor-wire fences, that prevent citizens’ access to their government, and are reminiscent of East Berlin during the heyday of East German communism.  I know.  I was there in 1962 and saw with my own eyes.

 The rhetoric of the “newspeak” and ‘doublespeak” of the leftists and their media propagandists is appalling, as is their unending hypocrisy.  The same leftist cabal tried to vituperate and ruin Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his family with unproven and slanderous accusations from his college days.  Where are these same accusers when it comes to Joe Biden himself, Hunter Biden, Andrew Cuomo and other wayward democrats?  Strangely missing, or covered over with “newspeak”.  The dishonesty and hypocrisy just shouts from the rooftops!

 And the increasingly ridiculous “identity politics” and “cancel culture”, which would be laughable it they were not so sad, insidious and dangerous to our history and culture.  Aunt Jemima? Uncle Ben? Mr. Potato Head? Dr. Seuss?  C’mon, you left wing, anti-American, cultural extremists, you’ve got to be kidding.

Ray Gruszecki
March 6, 2021