Thursday, March 11, 2021

Disgust !


Disgust !

 Disgust!  That’s my best word for the inept socialist, would be dictators in Washington.  They are literally ruining our country, our culture, our freedoms and our American traditions with each stroke of Biden’s dictatorial executive order pen. 

 I have to ask particularly all of the suburban women who were so wounded by President Trump’s abrasive personality, and who voted for Biden, are you now pleased that girl’s and women’s sports have been virtually eliminated by allowing biological males, “identifying” as females to compete with our daughters?  This particularly affects you suburban ladies that thought that Trump’s brusqueness was worse than his patriotism and pro-American values.

 Well, now we have an administration and a media which is demonstrably anti-American.  Oh, they use Orwellian “newspeak” to verbally distort what is actually happening, but 60-odd “executive orders” attacking the very fabric of our American way of life belies the facts.  Equating women and girls in sports with muscular biological males is just the tip of the iceberg.

 Biden’s handlers had him shutdown the facilities that made us energy independent.  Gasoline and energy prices have increased in Dallas from about $2.10/gal pre-Biden, to upwards of $2.90 /gal after 2 months of Biden.  We are again relying on the unstable Middle East for some of the energy we need, instead of crude oil and gas from our own sources and pipelines.

 Our borders are open to let virtually anyone into the country, provide them with amenities paid for by our tax dollars, and allow them to vote without an ID. Truly, are these democrats insane?

 The alt-left efforts are aimed at making our country a one-party state, and through identity politics and cancel culture, to suppress and punish any dissent from this one-party orientation.  The analogy and comparison to Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany a century ago cannot be denied.

 Literally everything the left-wing socialists touch in their vindictive rush to break everything that President Trump fixed, destroys another positive aspect of our economy, politics or culture.  Just wait, you erasers of Trump’s overly aggressive personality, as your jobs disappear, your taxes increase, your 401k’s erode away, and you’re cancelled by some twenty-something gender studies major.  Maybe then, there will be some appreciation for what we had, for all his peccadilloes.

 And there’s Biden’s pretentious speech tonight in which he tried to take credit for President Trump’s “warp speed” vaccine efforts, and lectured us as if we were small children about how to behave with respect to what remains of the pandemic.

Ray Gruszecki
March 11, 2021

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