Saturday, March 20, 2021

Socialist Follies


Socialist Follies

 Any thoughtful American should really fear for this beautiful country of ours.  For the past roughly seventy years, our country has been heading in a leftward political direction, which is at the same time socialistic, hedonistic, anti-religion and against our founding values.  This drift was innocuous, but inexorable, at first, hatched in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, and forming slowly in our schools and universities, our media, our entertainment and our politics.  This left-wing movement tried to emerge during the Bill Clinton and Obama administrations, was suppressed somewhat by Presidents Bush 41 and 43 and Trump, and is in full and complete force under the current Biden extreme left puppet regime.

 The Media, big tech, Hollywood and academia love Biden’s alt-left socialism, and the gullible and easily swayed American public follows like sheep.  Biden, the plagiarist, is stealing credit for Trump’s Covid and vaccination programs, the media applaud, and the sheep acquiesce. 

 Biden’s “covid relief” of $1400 per person is viewed favorably by the media and their ovine followers, forgetting the source of the money.  Also forgotten is the multi-trillion (with a “T”), bail-outs of inept democrat governors and mayors, and the inexcusable “pork” in the “Rescue America” boondoggle.

 Nearly everything Biden has touched, with his 60-odd dictatorial executive orders, has been detrimental in some way, to our society, culture, foreign relations, pocket book and American way of life.  And the leftist media, big tech and entertainment world applauds Biden’s stupid moves - and the sheep ba__aa, and acquiesce.  The few that dare speak out against these socialist atrocities are “cancelled” by the “woke” power brokers.  Attempts are made to marginalize the critical media that persevere, with charges of “disinformation”, and “Russian misinformation”, with attempts to silence any opposition. A good example are the continuous onslaughts against Tucker Carlson and Hannity of Fox News

 Recent foreign policy examples: - Putin laughing at Biden and challenging him to a debate, after Biden stupidly, publicly called him a “killer”.  Tony Blinken’s apologetic tone to the Chinese communists, on U.S. soil, after their accusations of “racism” in the U.S. – a far cry from the CCP attitude toward genuine American leaders, President Trump and Secretary Pompeo.

 After two months of Biden, a massive humanitarian crisis at the southern border, many jobs lost, gas prices up $1.00/gal, energy independence waning away, back to foreign wars, our daughters competing against biological males, and the list goes on and on.

 And it is continuingly clear that Biden is mentally and even physically incapable of doing the job of President.  No compassionate American will knock him for stumbling on the airplane access stairs.  But Putin? Xi?, Kim Jong Un?, Erdogan?, other world leaders?  They see particularly the mental weakness, and they are not about to “cut him some slack”.  They will take advantage of Biden and his minions, particularly when presented with a failed rock star like Tony Blinken as Secretary of State, and other inept members of Biden’s rejiggered alt-left cabinet.

Ray Gruszecki
March 20, 2021

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