Saturday, March 27, 2021

Liar, Liar, and Getting Away With It.


Liar, Liar, and Getting Away With It.

 If Biden were just senile, inept, bumbling, stumbling and innocuous, it would be bad enough for our foreign antagonists to observe him on the world stage.  But it’s so much more than that.  Biden is an unprincipled plagiarist, bold-faced liar, and unabashed hater of libertarian/conservatives, and particularly an outright hater of anything positive that Donald Trump ever accomplished.

 The few times that Biden has managed speaking from the podium, he has read (poorly), from the teleprompters or crib notes with frequent silent gaps, not being able to hold a cohesive thought, or put two sentences together.

 And lie, lie, lie, taking credit for President Trump’s “warp speed” vaccine development and vaccination program, claiming that he had to start from scratch.  Claiming that Trump’s stable southern border was somehow wrong, and the masses of migrants flowing across Biden’s border, and the incarcerated children, similar to the original Obama/Biden policy originally was somehow better. 

 All politicians lie to some extent, but Biden’s blatant lie about Trump exiling children to the desert to starve and die are particularly egregious.  Are these Armenians in Turkey in 1915?  The hatred for Trump and dishonesty about him just seethes from Biden, and the biased, fawning media just ignore it and pats Biden gratuitously on the head.

 And the sheep who “elected” Biden baa__aa submissively, believe the media b.s., and give old Joe a 58% approval rating, presumably for his kindly smile and grandfatherly demeanor, and not for his fascist/socialist executive orders and outright lies, (and for not being that mean old orange monster, with the controversial tweets).  The baa__aa-ing may stop on the unemployment line standing next to a Central American migrant, with gasoline at $5.00 per gallon, and their daughters competing in sports with biological males.

 But, the democrats say, “things are great”.  We have $1.9 trillion, with a “T”, to spend, and maybe another $3 trillion for “infrastructure” coming.  Who is going to pay for these?  Why, we will with increased taxes, and the rest will be covered by some ephemeral Keynesian ghost of the future in the person of our grandchildren.

Ray Gruszecki
March 27, 2021

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