Saturday, March 27, 2021

The 60 Vote Filibuster and Consequences


The 60 Vote Filibuster and Consequences

 All of the fears that rational conservative thinkers in this country have had about the alt-left democrats and their senile puppet president are proving to be true.  Whereas once, far out leftist dreams of eliminating the 60-vote filibuster so that the most egregious acts could be passed with a 51-vote majority were only wishful thinking, these dreams are now being considered as viable senate actions. 

 If the deliberative role of the senate is thus eliminated and it becomes just another majority mob, a plethora of left-wing extremist bills can follow, such as packing SCOTUS to 13 or 15 members, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico with 4 more democrat senators, legalizing identity politics and the bigotry embedded therein, legalizing the corrosive “cancel culture” afflicting our society, legalizing anti-American curricula such as critical race theory and the 1619 project, confiscatory firearms laws, and on and on and on, toward a fascist/socialist one-party government run by alt-left democrat extremists.

 Think all of this is too far out and in realm of conspiracy theory?  Well, apparently the whole senate democrat majority is moving in the direction of scuttling the long-standing senate tradition of the filibuster.  Reputable news reports indicate that the filibuster issue may swing on one or two democrat votes in the senate.  Can you imagine the pressure and the incentives being offered?

 Because once the filibuster is gone, the floodgates open, and every alt-left idea can relatively quickly become law.  At the moment, there are only slim democrat majorities in both legislative bodies, so one would hope that good judgement by some democrats would be exercised when considering some far-out ideas.  Unfortunately, their performance to date does not offer much hope of such good judgement.  The alt-left seems to be the rule thus far.

 One can only hope to slow the rush toward a one-party fascist/socialist government, and hope and pray that the electorate sees through the outright lies and duplicity of Biden and his handlers, and of Pelosi, Schumer, and the left-wing congress.  By 2022, in spite of the biased popular media, it should be apparent to enough voters just how badly Biden et al, are ruining the country.  Hopefully, they will swing the congress back toward the rational middle, and away from the left-wing extremists.

Ray Gruszecki
March 27, 2021

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